Tuesday, September 6, 2016

An important message from Canada's New Democratic Party.

Welcome back Michael Moore!!
Your ideas from around the world are wonderful!



 In contrast to Michael Moore's humanistic society, a few corporate and government leaders in North America are continuing their charge backwards towards a wealth only dominated society. This time their target is our Canadian health care system. Some countries put these guys in jail the last time around.

Our public health care is under attack


Dave Hare Unsubscribe

7:11 PM (3 hours ago)
to Joseph
This week, lawyers representing a private, for-profit health care corporation are in a Vancouver court room fighting to undermine our public health care.
Instead of taking this threat seriously, the government is moving ahead with Stephen Harper’s cuts to health care. These cuts will open the door to more powerful interests who want to privatize Canada’s public health care system.
Joseph, the size or your paycheque should never determine the quality of your health care – that’s a core Canadian value.
Canadians cherish the public health care system that New Democrats first created over 50 years ago. It’s a big part of what defines us – and why Canadians chose former NDP leader Tommy Douglas as The Greatest Canadian.
But creeping privatization, planned spending cuts, and the court challenge that begins this week could be the beginning of the end of public health care as we know it in Canada.
It’s up to us to stop this attack. Add your name to defend Canada’s universal health care so that it’s there for our families, and for future generations:

Dave Hare
Director of Operations
Canada’s New Democrats
Facebook  Twitter

New Democratic Party of Canada
300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9

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