Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hypocrisy won't halt climate change!

Is Canada moving quickly 

enough on climate change?

No...but Canadians pretend very well!
 From what I personally witness here in
Quebec, every car rolling on a highway is a 
gas burning car. Every car dealership in
Quebec continues to sell gas burning cars.
Every local car-part merchant and garage
mechanic continues to provide parts and 
services for older gas burning vehicles and 
gas pumps continue to sell gas at high prices
with the Canadian government profiting from
high taxes on the gas. As long as there is profit to
be made, somebody will continue the cycle of
pollution including our Canadian government!
 If there are plans in Quebec for creating 
thousands of Electric car charging stations, 
they remain only plans!
 Everybody is paying lip service to 
non-polluting vehicles but creating the 
infrastructure for such vehicles is slow and as
yet non-existent. Hypocrisy is the name of the 
game in Quebec and I also believe throughout
Canada. Only The U.S. state of California and              
the country of Norway are making real
progress towards producing
non Toxic cars. Congratulations to both!

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