Sunday, September 11, 2016

A message from the New Democratic Party.

Big news on health care


Mallory Daley Unsubscribe

Sep 10 (1 day ago)
to Joseph

I just took a look at the numbers on our health care petition and have huge news to share with you.
In just a few days, over 5,000 Canadians have signed on to send Ottawa a message: Access to quality health care should be based on need—not ability to pay.
Thank you for signing on to defend our health care. Can you share this with your friends and ask them to stand up to privatization and cuts, too?
Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. 
This week, the basic principles of universal public health care came under attack by lawyers in a Vancouver court room. If they win, US-style, private, for-profit medicine could be coming Canada.
We can’t let that happen. Over 5,000 Canadians have already signed on to say that free, public medicare is a core Canadian value.
Share this campaign with your friends and ask them to join you in the fight to defend universal health care from privatization and cuts:

Mallory Daley
Digital Director
Canada’s New Democrats
Facebook  Twitter

New Democratic Party of Canada
300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J9

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