Tuesday, September 13, 2016


   This page reminds me to keep writing to government members in the slim hope someone will have the courage to make political and economic changes for the near future. I do not own a car but I do wish I could afford an Electric vehicle! I will, however, fix my Bicycle.
Death does not scare me. I feel sorry, however,  for the younger people and the children who will survive into the near future.  P.S. If you notice polluting gas burning cars advertised on the bottom of this page they are both unauthorized and unwanted and the same goes for anything that creates pollution. Joseph Raglione.
Pierre Marcus:

Visualizing the Warmest August in 136 Years

August 2016 was the warmest August in 136 years of modern record-keeping, according to a monthly analysis of global temperatures by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). It follows last July (http://goo.gl/NKsaje) which also was the warmest in 136 years of modern record-keeping.

Eleven months heat streak

Actually this record warm August continued a streak of by now eleven consecutive months (starting October 2015) to set new monthly temperature records.

Read the full article and get more information here:

NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies:

Where to start when looking for information on climate change?

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory chart by Joshua Stevens, based on data from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

On another note: Thank you for your interest in this collection which, actually a few weeks ago, reached over 100,000 followers. Maybe take a look at my other collections as well? Try the Space/Space Technology collection (https://goo.gl/5KP0wx) or the Astronomy/Astrophysics collection (https://goo.gl/x0zPAJ), or follow me +Pierre Markuse to get every of my posts.

#science #earth #climate #climatechange #globalwarming #temperatureanomaly #nasa #giss #august #warmestmonth
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