Thursday, September 22, 2016

A new Million soldier army.

Gentle People:

   World peace seems to be flying away from us fast! With Assad's military government in Syria killing thousands of innocent Syrians and blowing the hell out of  humanitarian medical convoys, the U.N. brokered peace agreement is an exploded hope! Apparently Assad and his small army need to be arrested but the problem is the fact Assad is being protected by his good friend Putin of Russia. The Russian leader also has to be arrested but his army is much larger and it has nuclear weapons! Assad is playing the U.S. against Russia in an effort to protect himself from certain arrest and certain death and listening to him speak one marvels at his mild mannered composure as he politely accuses the U.S. of lying to the media.

 My solution is to create and mobilize one extremely large United Nations peace force with a million soldiers from every country but the U.S. and Russia. Send the new United Nations Blue helmet army into Syria with orders to arrest or shoot anybody holding a gun. That would include Americans and Russians and any Syrian fanatics who get in their way. If this were to happen I tend to believe the U.S. and Russia would back off and leave Assad to the dictates of justice. If we are going to have war lets have a real war with soldiers against soldiers and lets stop the current vicious and cruel bombing and shooting of defenseless innocent: men and women and children.

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