Saturday, September 3, 2016

Homa Hoodfar is no longer a political hostage!.

Intelligent women are not accepted in the religious male dominated country of Iran. Homa Hoodfar is a Canadian citizen and scholar held without reason in an Iranian prison. 

Alex Neve, Amnesty International Canada via 

Sep 2 (2 days ago)
to me

Professor Homa Hoodfar's health
at serious risk in Iran

Dear Joseph,
Thank you again for speaking out for Concordia University Professor Homa Hoodar, who has been detained in Iran's notorious Evin Prison since June.

In the last few days very concerning news has emerged that Professor Hoodfar's health may be in decline.
Hoodfar suffers from a serious neurological condition and we believe she has not been receiving appropriate treatment in prison. She was reportedly taken to hospital because of her weakened condition and then returned to her cell. Her well-being is clearly at grave risk as long as she remains in prison.
Amnesty International considers Dr. Hoodfar to be a prisoner of conscience, detained with no legal basis, and calls on Iranian authorities to release her immediately and unconditionally.

We urgently need your help again. We must send a clear, urgent call to the Iranian authorities to release Dr. Hoodfar immediately. Your action may help save her life.

Here are two ways you can help: 

1. SHARE this urgent action with family and friends

You can find more social media ideas and a #FreeHoma image for your profile picture on the Hoodfar family's website here.

Not on social media? No problem. Here's basic text you can use for an email to your friends and family:

Professor Homa Hoodfar, a respected Canadian-Iranian scholar and researcher from Concordia University, has being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison since June 6th extremely limited access to her family and lawyer, and likely in solitary confinement.

Research is not a crime. No one should be targeted for the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression and association. Amnesty International considers Dr. Hoodfar to be a prisoner of conscience.

Please join me in calling on Iranian authorities to release Professor Hoodfar immediately! TAKE ACTION HERE:

2. SEND your own tweet, email or letter to Iranian authorities

Click here for instructions >>

Thank you so much again for speaking out for Professor Hoodfar and for getting this urgent message out. We deeply appreciate your time and efforts to make sure she's home and safe with her family as soon as possible.

With deepest thanks,

Alex Neve
Secretary General
Amnesty International Canada

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