Sunday, June 5, 2016

This absolute best selling car is not advertised on Television!

Tesla raised $1.7 billion to make half a million Model 3 cars a year in 2018 :)

Tesla Model 3 got 0.4 million reservations so far; it had reached within 7 days pre-orders worth 14 billion dollars, making it the most successful product launch ever, way more successful than the Apple iPhone 6. Model 3 will be 25K for everyone after the federal and California incentives if they extend those incentives more after elections. In Colorado it will be 21.5k due to the largest electric rebate in the nation, but all states get 7.5K tax credit, so 27.5k at the most. FREE CHARGING FOR LIFE AT supercharger stations. The only car company offering a cheap 215 mile range sedan that makes only electric cars to save the planet from carcinogenic smog and climate change. Tesla is the best. Norway and Holland plan to ban oil cars in 2025, the future is electric ►
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Tesla will use $1.7 billion raised in a share offering to boost production of its mass-market Model 3 to 500,000 cars a year by 2018.

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