Friday, June 24, 2016


Gentle People:

 I remember when England agonized about joining the EU. After much hand wringing and political rhetoric and traumatic chest beating they finally voted to join the European Union. The main reason the pro Union group won was to create a Euro Dollar that would compete with the all powerful American Dollar. That reason continues today but the Chinese Yen is now the major competitor holding up against the Euro Dollar. Yesterday, June 23... and with just as much hand wringing and political rhetoric and traumatic chest beating as in the past...England surfed a wave of English Nationalism and voted to leave the E.U.. The English Pound has correspondingly slipped downwards to what it was in 1985 and a host of small political and idealogical parties around the world are taking their cue from England and entertaining the hope of separating politically or economically from their host governments. If any of you scholars in our group studied the Balcanization of Europe before World War 1, turning the clock back to that state of affairs is not a good idea!

 In Quebec, Canada, today, June 24, 2016 it is our cultural Féte Nationale holiday. It is a fun holiday based on the old and religious: St. John the Baptist celebration. It is highlighted and celebrated with fire-works and outdoor picnics and a lot of Blue Fleur-de-Lys flag waving. In the past it was an opportunity for violent political revolt aimed at separating Quebec from Canada but today the children and their parents are singing and dancing and more importantly they are not falling for the independence political rhetoric created by a few screaming Quebec nationalists. Today, young people around the world are into hand held computers: money, fast cars and protecting the environment. These are the primary dominating issues and Quebec kids are not exempted! It also helps when the fastest cars on the market are the newest all Electric vehicles and they fit in nicely with protecting the environment. Electric cars are also the only vehicles the Chinese government is sanctioning and which they will buy in the near future. That will increase the value of the Yen and that will be bad news for small economically isolated countries like England!
Bye for now and have a great day!



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