Sunday, June 19, 2016

President Obama believes in protecting the environment.

The White House

Jun 18 (2 days ago)
to human4us


Why the President travelled to Yosemite this past weekend:
National parks are an American invention. They are treasures in our national inheritance -- millions of acres of public lands and waterways -- that one generation passes on to the next. These beautiful spaces offer adventures for our children, essential protection for our wildlife, and support for local economies.
Yet, we aren't entitled to them. Our public lands need our protection -- they need our dedication to their upkeep and our commitment to their expansion.
And it falls on the shoulders of each new generation to carry on this stunning inheritance, because even though our national parks are vital to our future, the consequences of climate change are becoming more evident every day.
Not only did they celebrate the National Parks' 100th anniversary, they highlighted the critical role our parks will play in America's next century.
That's also why President Obama has taken unprecedented action to invest in America's natural resources, setting aside more public lands and water in his two terms than any president in American history. He is America's most prolific conservationist -- and he's not done yet.
Here's what you need to know about President Obama's historic conservation record:
  • Protected more than 265 million acres of America's public lands and waters -- more than any other president in history.
  • Dedicated unprecedented attention and resources to restoring iconic places like the Chesapeake Bay, California Bay-Delta, Great Lakes, and Everglades.
  • Designated more than 2 million acres of federal wilderness and protected thousands of miles of trails and more than one thousand miles of rivers.
  • Oversaw more wildlife recoveries under the Endangered Species Act than under any previous administration.
  • Launched Every Kid in a Park, which gives fourth graders and their families free access to parks.
You can also help celebrate and support our national park system by sharing photos of your favorite park with the hashtag #FindYourPark.
And now a message from your favourite political activist.

                                  ALL THE ENERGY THAT EVER WAS STILL IS.

All the energy that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the Universe. This magnificent concept of eternity has intrigued human imagination for centuries and because the human brain has trouble understanding an eternity of changing energy, we humans have created imaginary Gods to give us a sense of tranquillity. All religious beliefs have evolved from a fear of change and are based on the hope for eternal life after death. Religious beliefs, unfortunately, have created more death than peace on Earth during our human history and thankfully today millions are  abandoning the indoctrination and fear based imaginary concepts imposed upon them as children.

       Unfortunately, many are also abandoning the strict rules and guidelines and basic Ethics that religious authorities imposed over centuries to create civilized behaviour. Those moral guidelines and Ethics are now often badly enforced by civil authorities around the world who continue to punish unlawful behaviour using the same dangerous and antiquated penal systems created by the ancient religious authorities. That needs to be updated with better education and better humanitarian correctional methods.

      Today, parents and educators are looking up at the galaxies and pondering new and marvellous questions. What are light years? What are: Nebulas and Star formations and Gas giants and Black Holes? With modern technology and magnificent telescopes we can now give to our children science based facts and a new sense of wonderment. Science is replacing fear based religious fantasies with a magnificent new understanding of the universe. With provable facts we can now see what was once hidden to our parents and space has become a new play ground for those who possess high intelligence and the courage to explore where no human has gone before. 

          For the rest of us who need some form of comfort zone to find inner peace, I suggest we all do  as our ancestors did and worship Nature. I specifically recommend protecting and growing trees and flowers and pesticide free vegetable gardens. For our young and young at hearts who enjoy love and sex, be careful because sex has been usurped by unscrupulous people and commercially exploited to the point where it is threatening our existence! Marketing today is a form of religious indoctrination utilizing both repetitive advertising (some call it Hypnosis) and sex as a selling tool to sell consumer products. It is not, I repeat, a good thing! I repeat again! Many companies want to win and maintain economic power even while they pollute us off the Earth. They are marketing and selling products dangerous to the environment and most often use sex as a selling tool.  

        I honestly believe our human economic and political power should be invested on and for the protection of all life on this our small planet earth! Invested that is if we wish to continue enjoying our own conscious human energy forms. If not, we can imagine how energy will continue to change with or without us!

 Thanks for reading and have a great life!. 
Signed: Joseph Raglione. Friday, September 11, 2015

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