Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A scary implication!

Pierre Markuse

Shared publicly  -  2:45 AM
Clouds and Sea Ice: What Satellites Show About Arctic Climate Change

It is not news that Earth has been warming rapidly over the last 100 years as greenhouse gases(https://goo.gl/BPjgBn) accumulate in the atmosphere. But not all warming has been happening equally rapidly everywhere. Temperatures in the Arctic, for example, are rising much faster than the rest of the planet. Patrick Taylor, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, says that one of the main factors for the Arctic's rapid warming is how clouds interact with frozen seawater, known as sea ice."There's no cloud response in summer to melting sea ice, which means it is likely that clouds are not slowing down the Arctic climate change that is happening—clouds aren't really providing the expected stabilizing feedback," Taylor said. "The fact that you are melting sea ice and uncovering more ocean and the fact that clouds don't increase during summer means that they are not buffering or reducing the rate of the warming, which implies the Arctic could warm faster than climate models suggest."

Read the full story here:


More information on Arctic sea ice and climate change

Take a look at the other materials at the National Snow and Ice Data Center website:

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

This NASA Earth Observatory article on global warming is answering some of the most asked questions:

Image credit: NASA Langley researcher Patrick Taylor finds that the role of clouds and sea ice for Arctic climate change may be more complex than previously thought. Using fused CALIPSO-CloudSAT (http://goo.gl/JOczrW) satellite observations spanning 2006 to 2010, he's shown that cloud concentrations differed between ocean and sea ice much less than expected in summer. NASA

#science  #earth #climatechange  #globalwarming  #arcticseaice   #seaice   #cloudsat   #nasa   #arctic #climate

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