Thursday, May 26, 2016

They should invest in clean energy but...

Tillerson And Exxon Versus Science

Tillerson told shareholders, “We can set the science apart from what we as a society are going to choose to pursue as a matter of policy…. There’s no space between us and IPCC. We see the science the same way.”
ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson answers questions at a 2014 shareholders meeting.
ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson answers questions at a 2014 shareholders meeting.
That is utter nonsense. In 2013, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment of the scientific literature warned that on our current emissions path we faced, “9°F Warming For U.S., Faster Sea Rise, More Extreme Weather, Permafrost Collapse.” Then in March 2014, the IPCC warned the “World Faces ‘Breakdown Of Food Systems’ And More Violent Conflict.”
Then in April 2014, the IPCC explained the science was very clear that “Avoiding Climate Catastrophe Is Super Cheap — But Only If We Act Now.” Finally, in November 2014, the world’s top scientists and governmentsissued their bluntest plea: Slash carbon pollution now (at a very low cost) or risk “severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems.” Scientists have “high confidence” these devastating impacts occur “even with adaptation” — if we keep doing little or nothing.
So Tillerson says “There’s no space between us and IPCC” — and that is clearly B.S. The IPCC pleas for aggressively replacing fossil fuels with carbon free energy starting now while Tillerson wants to do little but search for breakthrough miracles. Moreover, Exxon continues to fund groups who discredit this information about the IPCC, the science, and the solutions — years after saying they would stop.
Tillerson also said “There’s no space between” he and Gates. So, Bill, is that really true?


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