Saturday, May 28, 2016

from:Vice President Joe Biden
reply-to:The White House <>
date:Wed, May 18, 2016 at 11:25 AM
subject:Why I’m going to Ohio today:
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:it aImportant mainly because of the people in the conversation.


Gentle People:

I am a Canadian citizen and not an American citizen. That, however, did not stop me from using my conputer years ago to  create free publicity for a Black Senator by the name of Barack Obama who was running for president of the United States. All I needed to do at that time was write for a U.S. Western group of on-line newspapers called the American Chronicles. That group allowed me to write political commentary for free and they did not care what nationality I was. The American Chronicles had Eleven million readers and they attracted political attention. I unexpectedly made contact with presidential candidates: John Edwards and Michael Gravel and I was contacted by Senators: Al Gore and John Kerry and the most surprising of all: Senator Ted Kennedy. They all asked if I would help their friend Senator Barack Obama.

 And then arrived in my mail box the letter of a wonderful lady by the name of Michelle Obama who asked if I could back her husband who was a good man and a good father and a good University professor as well as the Senator from chicago Illinois who wanted to be president of the United States.
 For a handy-man Canadian from Laval West, Quebec, I tremendously enjoyed the power trip these powerful people gave me and I did my best to provide them, utilizing the Chronicles, with the best humanitarian social science solutions I could find. There was only one small problem. As years went buy, I began to realize that as a Canadian, I would never  receive credit for the ideas and concepts I provided the U.S. government. At the time I did not care but today, when my lady love denies me any kind of conversation about politics, especially about Barack Obama, I feel humiliated. After he leaves office and becomes part of history so will I and millions of caring Obama backers from around the world. We will all become part of history. What I am hoping for is that all our humanitarian social science ideas and hard work do not go down the history tubes with the Obama government.


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