Thursday, May 12, 2016

Is Bayer killing Bees with pesticide?

Rumor has it that Bayer and Monsanto are planning to merger. 

Therefore this poem:

Bayor and Monsanto in a Tree, kissing each other and

killing Birds and Bees!

Bayer... what the WHAAAA


Paul Ferris,

12:17 PM (1 hour ago)
to Joseph

Bees are dying by the million -- and Bayer, one of the biggest producers of bee-killing pesticides, is launching a massive PR campaign to stop efforts to save the bees. Will you chip in CA$1 to fight back?
Bees are dying by the million -- so what is Bayer, one of the world's biggest producers of bee-killing pesticides, doing about it?
It's launching the Bee Care Tour across small town America to show how much it "cares" about the bees.
These are the same dirty tricks the oil industry uses to attack climate science and that the tobacco industry used to deny that cigarettes cause cancer.
But we've got a plan to make Bayer's lies backfire. We're launching a counter-tour with our partners called Keep The Hives Alive -- we've already got a truck full of dead bees to display, and have signed up some big celebrity names to back it up. Now we need your help so we can visit as many places as possible.
Will you chip in CA$1 to help stop Bayer's bee-killing pesticides?
If enough of us chip in, we can hit Bayer where it's most vulnerable, literally copying Bayer's tour with our own roadshow. Even a small donation from you can help us reach thousands of people with our message. And when people hear what Bayer is doing, they're shocked. If we raise more, we can even take out ads in local media where Bayer is heading.
Bayer's spin machine is absolutely shameless. Not only is it paying phony experts to attack the science, it's also launching a slick PR campaign to distract the public.
In recent years, Bayer has hosted a "Bayer Bee Care Tour" and opened two "Bee Care Centers" in Germany and the U.S. to delegitimize the science showing that its chemicals are killing bees.
Bayer has even produced a children's book called "Toby and the Bees," which tells kids that Bayer's pesticides aren't the reason bees are dying.
But we can make all this backfire on Bayer by simply calling Bayer out and making sure consumers know what the company is up to.
That way, all Bayer's PR money will accomplish is to draw attention to the fact that it is killing bees -- putting pressure on the company to pull its bee-killing pesticides off the market. Will you chip in CA$1 to help get our trucks on the road?
Yes, I'll chip in CA$1 today.
Thanks for all you do,
Paul, Kat and the team at SumOfUs

More Information:
Follow the Honey: 7 ways pesticide companies are spinning the bee crisis to protect profits, Friends of the Earth, April 28, 2014

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
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