Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Of Life, Energy, Science and God!

Hello gentle people:

 When I was a student in school, I was taught that energy cannot be created or destroyed and like most sleepy students bored by school and school teachers, I thought nothing of the concept. Today, I am thinking of the concept. What is eternal energy?! Holy smoke, Batman, WHAT IS ETERNAL ENERGY?!

 Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it certainly can be measured and manipulated and changed and converted into different forms and we humans are doing exactly that. We are working and playing with energy and making different forms of energy. Steel and Glass and Plastics and chemicals are different forms of energy. If my teacher was correct, energy cannot be created or destroyed therefore there is no beginning or end to energy and we are simply manipulating energy forms! From solids to liquids to gas and back again!
 No beginning to Energy!! HOLY ETERNAL ENERGY BATMAN! Are we playing with God?!

 When we measure the speed of changing energy, we call the measure, Time. We use Time to see how slowly or how quickly Energy changes around us and we also use Time to measure the Energy changes within our own Human forms. Time is Energy and Energy is Time and except as a human measure, Time does not exist. We can safely say that all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the universe.

  The concept of eternal energy terrifies many human minds and social cultural groups have created Gods in order to sooth and allay the fear of changing energy.  Life changes from the conscious sentient state to the unconscious state of energy. A state we know as death is completely devoid of thought but not of energy. Remember, there is no beginning or end and therefore our energy, dead or alive, will always continue. What will not continue is this essay, which ends now! Bye!
 Your friend: Joseph Raglione.

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