Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Do I hate upper class billionaires?

 No! I do not hate anybody! I do believe ultra rich corporate bosses can do much better with their wealth than hide it in places like Panama. If you live alone on an island with a fortune in gold and jewels and money, you are still alone on an island. Nobody will do the work for you and your money is useless. I suggest the rich invest their money creating projects and inventions that protect Nature and help the working class maintain the economy. In turn both Nature and the average working person will protect the upper class life style as long as that life style is not abusive. Both ends of the spectrum will benefit otherwise putrid greed will once again implode the economy! Besides that, you can't eat money!
1. We need coastal desalination plants. Yes they are expensive but necessary!
 2. We need clean water distribution pipe lines delivering clean water to farmers and cities. Farmers should stop using pesticides and practice companion planting. I suggest Lentils and Vegetables as their main super crops. Stop Beef and Chicken processing as they do more harm than good.
3. We need cheap apartments for the lower class so they can once again have disposable incomes. I suggest converting useless office towers into apartment buildings. Make sure the buildings are clean and self contained. Hire staff!
4. We need thousands of city buildings containing Hydroponic gardens. Grow Lentils and Spirulina as they are the best foods on Earth. You can also have protected roof-top vegetable and flower gardens.
5. We need buildings that can create and maintain Hydroponic gardens and roof-top gardens. Buildings that can produce their own clean energy with windows that convert sunlight into electricity.
6. We need Electric cars and buses and Bicycle paths to stop global burning!
7. Of course we need new kinds of clean energy. The new Fusion reactors will be great when and if they work, meanwhile, wind Turbines and Solar Panels are becoming popular; especially in Germany which produces 90% of their total energy using clean non polluting methods. If they can do it so can we!
8. Of course we need space ships and satellites and cell phones! Mars awaits!
9. We need free education and why not create schools within giant corporations?  Such educational facilities could be Tax deductible and every company could offer high school and college credits based on their companies line of work as well as a minimum wage page check. The education would be free for the student while they worked for the company and students would be free to change companies for different credits. Today, most companies train their own workers. The training should be both tax deductible and good for a high school or college or university credit. Farmers can once again hire students to help them do farm work and learn Plant Biology for credits. All employees, students or otherwise, must receive fair pay for work achieved.
10. Companies are not people and the "Citizens United" law must be changed. It will create a better U.S. and as a consequence, world economy. Don't panic gentle Billionaires, it won't hurt your power structure. Remember, we are on a tiny little planet Earth, together! You need a comfortable working class and they need you!
11. Worker unions must be created and protected for the benefit of both the worker and the company leadership. A non-religious humanitarian social and economic balance must be achieved. We do not want a world where the rich get richer and the poor die on the streets unless they decide to revolt! Switzerland and Sweden and Norway are great examples of worker unions working with their company bosses and with their respective governments to create a society of healthy and happy people. No, I don't hate the super rich but today they seem to be dominating and creating a society of super poor people while hoarding Billions of Dollars off-shore! Why is that? 

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