Sunday, May 15, 2016

"McDonalds is using public schools to market to children."



Emma Cape, Story of Stuff

May 14 (1 day ago)
to Joseph
Story of Stuff Project

McDonalds is using public schools to market to children, in a cynical ploy they call “McTeacher's Night.” 

Tell the McDonalds CEO to stop exploiting public schools for profit.
Dear Joseph,
Mark Noltner is a fourth-grade teacher and father in the Midwestern United States. About a year ago, his daughter came home from school and told him that teachers at her school were wearing McDonald’s shirts to promote an upcoming event called a “McTeacher’s Night.” Curious -- and more than a little disturbed -- he looked into it.
What Mark learned is that McDonald's is using public schools across the United States to turn young students into lifelong customers of its junk food brand.At “McTeacher’s Night” events, McDonald’s has teachers “work” behind the counter of a local restaurant to sell burgers, fries, and shakes to their own students. In return, the teachers’ schools get a small portion of the proceeds from the event. But make no mistake, McTeacher's Night is nothing more than a marketing ploy disguised as a school fundraiser.
It’s shameful that McDonald’s is using the tragic underfunding of our public schools as an opportunity to market to children. Teachers should never have to sacrifice their students’ health in order to earn a few extra dollars for their classrooms.

Enough is enough. Tell McDonald's CEO to end the abusive practice of using teachers and educational institutions to promote McDonald’s to schoolchildren!

Not only are McTeacher’s Nights harmful for children’s health, they return little money to the schools that participate. Schools typically receive just 15 to 20 percent of the event’s proceeds, often amounting to only one to two dollars per student.McDonald's is exploiting school systems -- and the relationship between teachers and their students -- for free labor and the kind of marketing money can’t buy.
But we’re at a turning point. Around the world McDonald’s is facing growing pressure to stop abusive practices like poverty wages and predatory marketing tactics. That’s why The Story of Stuff Project is joining teachers unions, the National Education Association and our partners at Corporate Accountability International and the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood in demanding that McDonalds stop McTeacher’s Nights -- and we need your support.
It’s time parents, teachers, and others tell McDonald’s that enough is enough. Add your name now and we'll deliver it in time for McDonald's annual shareholder meeting on May 26th.

Tell McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook to stop using our public schools to increase profits for his junk food brand!

Thank you for standing up for our children’s health, and their right to a public education free from corporate advertising.

Emma Cape
Campaigns Manager
The Story of Stuff Project

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