Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Root of all Evil!

Gentle readers:

 When I was a boy, religious beliefs dominated the educational and social and political as well as the economic landscape. God was here and there and everywhere and without my full awareness, I was indoctrinated. How deeply indoctrinated did not strike home until years later when I began playing with Lottery machine games.

  My doting Mother dragged me to many religious institutions in my youth and did not care which religious faith or group or cult we joined, or what school she put me in as long as there was a religious belief underlying the institution. I was given religious basics over and over until they sank deep into my subconscious memory. Basics like: Don't kill! Don't steal! Don't cheat! Don't lie! Don't fornicate! Don't gamble! And the years rolled by agonizingly slowly. I suffered mental torture and believed I would remain forever a prisoner of moralizing authorities!

 "Money is the root of all evil!" and  "Don't gamble, you will lose!"  are religiously based concepts that contradict themselves as well as basic logic. For example, if money is the root of all evil then throwing it away seems like a good idea and why not gamble and lose all that evil money? But then came the other moralizing edict. Don't gamble you will lose! If money is evil, so what? Apparently money has changed value over the years and is no longer evil! It is now becoming important and something we must not lose! That means the religious groups of my past were wrong!

 When I discovered lottery gambling machines I quickly lost money and it took a while before I began to win! Surprisingly, it was fun to win! The Dopamine in my brain rewarded me for winning and I continued to play until I lost again. I enjoyed winning the games and I kept on gambling until I realized that I was putting my winnings back into the machines. The machines were allowing  me to win but I was not allowing myself to keep the money. I was putting the money back into the machines so that I could reward myself with Dopamine. It was fun to create the sensation of pleasure and both the sensation of pleasure and my deeply indoctrinated beliefs were guiding me to put the money back! Only later, when I could not afford to pay my debts did the fun stop! Without any fun in life, gambling became like a drug and a way to inject pleasure back into the brain. A vicious cycle of addiction took hold!
   The people who create lottery machines and the games that go into these machines, do understand how addicted gamblers feel about money. They fully understand the probability concept. Allow gamblers to win and most 'probably' they will put their winnings back into the machines. These particular authorities understand how gamblers do not care or value money.

 Addicted gamblers, like drug addicts, care about winning and feeling good. Winning allows the brain chemical Dopamine to re-enforce a good feeling in the brain and when all the money is gone, so what?! Isn't money, after all, the root of all evil and millions of gamblers today are over the age of Sixty. Many were religiously indoctrinated in early childhood.

 As science replaced religion and the economy grew stronger and stronger, money became the central goal for millions of people, except for gamblers and drug addicts. Those who help create gamblers and drug addicts today apparently do value money and they do take and keep the money. Sadly, that continues to make money the root of all evil!  

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