Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sorry Greeks but Pythagoras did not create trigonometry.

      • The Greeks have just lost a heritage point. Sorry Greeks but a newly deciphered Babylonian  tablet proves Pythagoras did not create trigonometry. Every math and history school book ever created will now have to be edited and re-written. It proves how yesterday's schools certainly did not know everything! To think that I and millions of my fellow students were tortured and tormented into believing what we were told...or else! Who knows what idiocy the children of today are being forced to learn? It is lucky for most kids they have access to computers!   

      • "The mathematics enscribed on the tablet isn't just incredible because it appears to contain the world's oldest trigonometric table"
        Phew, I was worried it was going to turn out to be a shopping list.

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          Fascinating stuff, and a great example of our modern world not realizing what we used to know. And given how long the human species has been in its current form it truly makes one wonder just how extensive is our historical amnesia, eh? So it goes...

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              where was this tablet found?

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                  From the link below it appears that the tablet was purchased by Plimpton in 1923, fromEdgar J. Banks, who said it came from a location near the ancient
                  city of Larsa (modern Tell Senkereh) in Iraq. Robson estimates that
                  Plimpton 322 was created sometime in the six decades before Larsa
                  fell to Hammurabi of Babylon in 1762 BCE.

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                      Yes, discovered in the early 20th century, and finally being appreciated.
                      This is the little known reality about Mesopotamian archaeology: The Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians were three related civilizations, of terrific literary creativity; and much of their literary output survives in these baked tablets, which fill many museums in Europe, North America and elsewhere; and yet most of them continue to be unread, or not adequately studied. We don't know what treasures remain for us to discover, and which are at hand. This is a corner of history which is sadly neglected, and has little prestige for young people entering the profession, alas.

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