Tuesday, August 8, 2017

 Gentle People:

 The news yesterday was terrifying! Not for myself but for you young people who are just beginning your lives. The U.S.A and North Korea are playing a game of who's-a-chicken with inter continental nuclear armed ballistic missiles. That along with the devastation being caused by climate change creates a scenario of danger and fear. Both news items were enough to scare me but there is one more DOOMSDAY scenario not yet apparent. It is the beginning of Quantum Physics and Artificial Intelligence. Used the wrong way, A.I. has the capacity to be more devastating to our human lives on Earth than Nuclear Bombs and climate change! Temporarily, however, A.I. will help to mitigate climate change and will be a great tool for curing diseases such as Alzheimer and Cancer. For the long run, however, we need to create shut down switches on all A.I. creations in order to protect human lives.We also need to implant social Ethics and legal codes as well as copies of the International Declaration of Human Rights within Robots if they are to take their places as another life form on Earth.We need to do it now and not next year...because if we neglect to create ethical and moral guidelines for these machines, they will stamp us out quickly and efficiently in the near future.
 As for the military regimes of North Korea and the U.S.A., I suggest we ask the leaders to step on a small   island and attempt to disarm a large bomb. Tools will be provided. 

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 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...