Friday, August 4, 2017

On 8/4/17, Michelle Obama <> wrote:
> On the last full day of his presidency, Barack wrote a letter to the
> American people. In closing, he wrote:
> [image]
> [image:]
> Hello Joseph --
> On the last full day of his presidency, Barack wrote a letter to the
> American people. In closing, he wrote:
> "I've seen you, the American people, in all your decency, determination,
> good humor, and kindness. And in your daily acts of citizenship, I've seen
> our future unfolding."
> Daily acts of citizenship. For Barack -- and for me -- that's about as
> American as it gets.                    
> Today is Barack's birthday, and this year, I want to do something a little
> different for him.
> I don't have a card for you to sign. Instead, I have something that I know
> would mean even more to Barack than your well-wishes (and that's saying
> something):
> I'm asking you to share with Barack, right now, how you're stepping up to be
> a better citizen in your community. I'm asking you to share your own "daily
> act of citizenship."
> Maybe that means attending a town or city council meeting. Maybe it means
> contacting one of your elected officials and speaking out about an issue
> that matters to you. Maybe it means helping to clean up a local park,
> volunteering at a soup kitchen, or tutoring in an after-school program.
> This work -- these personal, local, daily acts of citizenship -- is what the
> Obama Foundation is all about.
> This work is what my husband is all about.
> It continues to be the honor of our lives to work alongside you. Thank you
> so much for everything you do.
> -Michelle
>Dear Michelle:

  When I was a young man without school or money or employment, I went to the one place left for me and my poor friends...the Laval West beach. A place where thousands of Montreal city people and friendly tourists (many Americans) congregated during the sweltering hot summer months. For years that beach and the river provided me with a destination when I had nowhere else to go and that lasted until the day the city put up a sign which read..."polluted swimming allowed."

 From the day that sign went up, I became a dedicated activist for protecting and saving the environment and today I actively support Greenpeace and many other non-profit environment protection groups. A few days ago I talked to our Laval city administrator and gave him an idea to revive our beach. Build a Banana shaped Coffer Dam from an outcrop of land to another outcrop point and create an artificial lake with clean water and clean sand. He listened and then informed me that he wanted to put up signs designating wether or not the river water was clean enough for bathing. I informed him, based on my years of experience living in the area and as a past trained life-guard, that the river water remained polluted. The conversation ended.

  Michelle, I continue my non violent struggle to save the environment and surprisingly there are some good things happening. The Electric cars are finally hitting the market and municipal cities around the globe are Greening their spaces. The polluters of this world are reading the writing on the wall and making important changes but it takes time and money. I have neither. Even my computers are dated and I compete with attention grabbing advertising companies who continue to do everything money can buy to grab attention. I do not have the money to donate to your organization. Will you donate to mine? A new computer or even one of your old updated computers could vastly improve my capacity to continue fighting for change.

Bye for now and read you later and your letters are always welcome.

Joseph Raglione
Dir: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.
Want to see some magnificent pictures? Visit Google+
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Laval West, Laval, Quebec, Canada

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