Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ON THE SUBJECT OF TIME... By Joseph Raglione. (Updated.)
Time in and of itself does not exist except as changing energy. The Big Bang theory claims the Universe started from nothing with a tremendous explosion. We can only ask what fueled the explosion in the first place and how did that fuel arrive into existence?
The concept of eternal energy terrifies the human mind and we humans have created Gods in order to sooth our fear of change from the conscious state of mind to the inanimate unconscious state of existence within eternal energy. The idea that a God created all things leads to the question of where did God come from?   ( Answer: From our human imagination.)

When humans began to very slowly discover repetitive constants within nature, our species created a tool called 'Science' to classify and keep track of what we discovered. With Science, our Homo Sapient species jumped far ahead of all the other Species surviving on Earth and science today uses a great amount of experimenting and a great amount of measuring to understand what exists within the Universe.

Happily for us we now have lightning-fast computers to help us speed up the process of discovery but even so, one of the oldest inventions on Earth, the Clock, continues to be one of our most important tools. For example: when we measure the speed of changing energy we use a precise invention called an Atomic Clock to measure and compare the change. In other words we link our culturally created Time-Clock concepts we call: seconds, minutes, days and years to changing energy in order to measure energy speeds.

All energy (including Life energy) will change form within the universe and the speed of those changes we measure with our Time-Clocks.

 We use our Clocks to discover how quickly or slowly energy changes around us in comparison to our interior energy. Some scientists we call Doctors closely monitor the energy changes within us in order to keep us alive as long as possible. Doctors time the human heart beat by feeling a patient's pulse. They measure the heat generated by the patients body in comparison to the average heat of 98.6 and if they find a problem, they send body fluids to research scientists who are dedicated to understanding the chemical compositions and interactions which are required for the existence of Biological life on Earth.

 Clocks themselves come in various sizes and shapes and like all human inventions they are often changed from one form to another as technology evolves.
To make better Clocks, we humans have discovered ways to combine Atoms and Molecules into new and different forms not found in nature. The problem with creating new energy forms is that we have created a social economy based almost totally on the production of new products. The industrially generated fast production of commercial products is quickly and dangerously replacing and destroying the slower and more delicate life sustaining balance-of-Nature.
(The joke here is that sales people and advertising marketers have labeled many  products as new energy saving  devices!) The word "new" should be replaced with the words: "Guaranteed for life quality."

  Through millions of years of evolution, Nature has created and preserved life on Earth while artificial processes today often quickly pollute and destroy nature at a very fast pace! For example, by creating billions of new plastic products we are not saving energy but shaping Oil into forms that are dangerous to all species living on this little Blue Planet.

  We are literally changing the natural energy systems keeping us alive!
The world wide production and use of tools and products is creating an artificial economic culture sadly not based on Nature! We are now using energy measuring Clocks and fast computers to run our lives! The operating word being run!

  Humans need to live at the pace of Nature and not work industrially to destroy Nature!
All energy within our Universe constantly changes. The conundrum is this: logic forces us to believe energy is eternal within the Universe and cannot be created or destroyed. Our Time-Clock invention, however, creates the illusion there is a beginning and an end to the eternal energy of the universe. Because it is such an old invention we have forgotten it's true purpose. To measure the speed of energy. The absolute reality is that Time is only a name for changing energy and we use Clocks to incrementally measure the changes. All the energy that ever was still is constantly changing and continues to exist and we call the speed of changing energy...Time. We use our Clocks to measure energy speed. Energy will change form but will never disappear. We measure changing energy speeds and since Energy is eternal so is Time. In fact the words 'changing energy' should replace the word Time.

  Energy can certainly be manipulated and changed and diverted into different forms and unhappily for life on Earth, we humans have and are creating too many energy changes! Energy does not care if it is animate or inanimate and we humans can by destructive neglect, change ourselves back to inanimate energy in the blink of an eye!
  There are some positive changes happening which may keep our species alive on this little Blue Planet. Electric cars are now on the market at reasonable prices and people are finally awakening to the reality of our changing climate. Our Carbon pollution has helped create global warming and now we need more protection for Nature's life sustaining systems. People around the world are creating less pollution but we need less Carbon and more recycling of Plastic. We need to clean our rivers and streams and of course, our atmosphere. To do this we have to stop producing products that do not last longer than a few months. The words long lasting quality have to be brought back into mode.
Trees everywhere on Earth need to be protected. Neglecting to do this will create drought and as a consequence...famine and human misery.
Trees clean the air we breath and they produce Oxygen. We almost desperately need to protect our forests and work to plant Trees everywhere on Earth! In conjunction with preserving Nature we also need to slow our Human population growth with family planning methods and we need millions more home vegetable gardens and non polluting energy systems. These energy changes are positive and life sustaining but slow and fragile. Nature is in a global war with humans who have directly opposing economic vested interests! These ignorant humans are tragically opposed to life sustaining energy systems!

If we wish to sustain our human lives on this small Blue Planet Earth, we have to make some fast non-polluting Energy changes.

Thanks for reading!

Signed: Joseph Raglione.
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
Please feel free to copy and pass on this message because Time is limited for life on Earth.
P.S... You are free to copy but please do not claim the work as your own. I reserve the copyright. Thanks!
Signed: Joseph Raglione. August 17, 2017

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