Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Our Canadian so called authorities are sadly uneducated!

Why are North American education authorities the most stupid in the world!

 I have just opened up and watched a C.B.C. TV news program depicting a story dealing with Autism and frustration in high school. I recognized myself as an Autistic teenager in the same predicament years ago and today as I write these words, I recognize how sadly our high schools continue to fail the kids! The story "I think they know that I care" shows me how a Math examination terrifies a sensitive high school girl and an English class totally confuses an Autistic but highly intelligent boy! That makes me angry! Attempting to understand Math and written French was a hell on earth for me in my high school years. Only after I finally quit high school did I begin to learn properly. I learned and passed Algebra in night school from a good teacher allowing me to continue on to college and as for French...today I continue to live in French Quebec while most people from my high school classes moved to English Alberta. The word 'allowing' is how our so called education system works today. Only a few children are allowed to graduate and to "learn" the secrets that help the minority socially dominate the majority. The rest are delegated as workers for the industrial system.

  Every God-Dammed test and exam should be banned from our schools and replaced with easy step-by-step fun educational methods. If anybody out there does not like the words God-Dammed it is too bad! I managed to block the enforced religious indoctrination classes from entering my head as a child in school with magnificent swear words.

 The better education methods discovered years ago were apparently not studied and never implemented by our basically ignorant government authorities in Canada! Testing and exams should have been removed and replaced with better educational tools created decades ago and implemented in Europe! I am sick of watching programs on the C.BC. depicting how Canadian children need to cope with tests and exams and the God Dammed educational system that honestly does not work to educate children! Nothing makes me angrier than watching the psychological torture with accompanying emotional and social damage imposed on many children by a cruel system based on competition for top spots in the corporate controlled economic industrial hierarchy. A competitive intellectual system created by dogmatic right wing authoritarian fools who consider themselves superior because they survived past Canadian school indoctrination and today collect inflated pay checks while continuing the centuries old "tradition" of imposing win-or-lose mental torture on today's school kids!
Our school authorities need to be better educated!

  I am horrified at how our schools continue to fail our Canadian children by not providing the small step by step rewarded education methods taken for granted in most European countries. In North America from childhood up they continue to abuse children by imposing on them terrifying tests and examinations that prove nothing! The kids feel they must pass these tests and examinations or something terrible will happen...they will (oh my God)...FAIL in front of their friends and suffer excruciating humiliation and poverty in later life! Many of our kids take drugs to calm themselves before a test or exam. Children with quick retentive memories do great on complicated tests while creative children with short term memories often panic and fail tests and exams. Many who fail in school often become magnificent artists and artisans later on in life but sadly more than a few commit suicide or grow to become wards of the government.

  If our Canadian so-called education authorities need help creating better schools I recommend they leave the North American competitive imperial hierarchy aside and go to Europe to study the methods used there to help children survive and learn. If there was justice in the world all North American school authorities would be rounded up and given tests and examinations on the eternal energy of the universe and then asked to explain eternal energy...failure to comply would be punished with mop service in our current high schools. I promise you we would have the cleanest school floors in the world!

  Our Canadian so called authorities are sadly uneducated and with their Media flunkies are so behind the times it is sickening! 

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