Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dear Jeanne Lambrew:

 As a social scientist and writer living in Quebec, Canada, I feel privileged to receive your email. If you ask yourself why a Canadian is receiving emails from the U.S. government, it is because years ago I joined several thousand computer geeks to help the Obama campaign. I and millions of new computer users joined forces to remove from power a corrupt Bush family controlled U.S.government and after that we continued to send good ideas to your Democratic government.

 Sadly, even though access to your government policies and people boosted my ego, a nice donation to my non-profit foundation would have been greatly appreciated and used for the common good. Although we Canadians have a Medicare system, our last Conservative (Republican) government under prime minister Harper, was all about selling oil and reducing social policies. The horrific and polluting Athabasca Tar Sands project is today his legacy! 

  Today, I suffer from chronic back pain and old age and I am still working alone for the common good. Good ideas are wonderful and they continue to filter into the system and they allow for commerce and humanitarian socialism to co-exist. Oil is not the enemy! Burning it into the atmosphere, however, is absolutely wrong! Extracting it out of the ground at the expense of forest and nature is absolutely wrong! Drilling for oil while risking to pollute by accident and on purpose places like the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic is absolutely wrong! Global warming is absolutely wrong!

 What did Obama do right! He helped the fledgling Electric car company Tesla get started and he signed into law the affordable care act.He fought for the environment and he helped college and university students obtain affordable loans. He went after greedy banks and loan shark companies and demanded restitution.

 Not all was glory, however, as his disasters included: allowing the drilling for Oil in the Gulf of Mexico, a war in Afghanistan and a Drone program that escalated hatred! His inability to stop a genocide in Syria was obvious to the world and understandable because terminating the president of Syria meant facing off with Russian president Putin. This U.S. vs Russia stalemate allowed Syrian president Hassad to murder thousands of his own people. I hope Hillary Clinton has the capacity to continue what Obama started and can work to bring back world peace and a cleaner environment. Thanks for reading and thank you for your letter!

Signed: Joseph Raglione.
Executive Director: The world humanitarian peace and ecology movement.
P.S. Michelle Obama is a magnificent crusader for the rights of women and girls to receive a better education.

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