Sunday, October 9, 2016

On Thanksgiving I am thankful I am not indoctrinated.


 From a basic and constant reality the human imagination takes and creates and combines to make spectacular new objects we call Art! Also, the human mind can and does combine emotions with reality to create wonderful books of fiction. Our most powerful emotions of love and fear and curiosity are often combined to compose wonderful new fantasies which are then used to create even stronger fantasies.

 For many superstitious people books joined solid icons to perpetuate their religious beliefs. Imagination, however, does have a dark side! Much past art depicted images of imaginary angry Gods and later books often based on fiction perpetuated the myths produced by the solid Art.

 Through the centuries the concept of an all-powerful God evolved from a fear of the unknown. Even today our most intelligent teachers: scientists, philosophers and high priests do not completely understand the eternal energy of the universe. The very concept of eternal energy creates fear and that fear over centuries translated into artistic expression. In every culture artistic expression created a solid form for a fictional God or Gods. One of the best known artists from the past who expressed his particular religious concept of a God was Michael Angelo. His beautiful statues continue to exist everywhere in Rome and during his creative years the religious rulers of Rome pushed Angelo to create as many statues and artistic representations of their God as his vivid imagination could create. Angelo's art on behalf of the Catholic church followed centuries of religious culture and artistic expressions depicting some form of God or Gods.

 Every superstitious Homo Sapient group around the planet today continue to have deeply held beliefs based completely on vivid imagination. In the past once the image of a God was created with Art, a high priest used his new iconic symbol to dominate potential followers. Along with a visual aid the best methods of control were and are peer group pressure and constant repetition. Both these human motivators drive home the subliminal message that God exists in reality and was and is all mighty and must never be questioned. Books were created to help perpetuate this concept and through decades children were supplied with thousands upon thousands of books and leaflets and flyers perpetuating the concept of God. Children were and continue to be the easiest receptors and targets for indoctrination. As children grew into adults, generation after generation of loyal followers were created for religious groups and for cults around the world.

 Religious concepts were subliminally repeated for centuries to maintain religious social control within every culture on Earth! Today, the one constant for every culture continues to be the fear of death! Creating omnipotent Gods who would reward or punish human behavior in an after-life became a constant theme for many religions and cults and the fear of death and the fear of punishment in the after-life continues to be a tool used to maintain religious control. Religious indoctrination and peer group pressure continues to be used on children and on slow witted adults today for the sole purposes of mind control and social domination but there is change in the wind.

 Ritualistic indoctrination is breaking down and being replaced with modern concepts. Children today have new emotional and mental protection from fear inducing religious groups. Young people today now own hand held computers which are helping them to quickly communicate with each other and with the outside fact based world. Honest facts are seconds away from curious fingers and the Human race is now learning new ideas evolving away from fictitious religious concepts. Sadly, however, there is another serious and dangerous cultural trap!

 A technological revolution continues to shift the power away from high priests and is placing the economic power into the hands of corporate managers. Today children are subject to new and ruthless rulers who understand human psychology and who demand and take economic power and who seldom care about human welfare outside their own economic interests.
 In the past Gods were created to sooth and comfort lonely and curious minds and if there was not an answer for a complicated emotional problem the solution was simple, God did it and God will fix it. Today, computers solve many problems extremely fast and except for fictional Gods presented in movies, religious beliefs presented as reality are being pushed aside with the use of better communication. There is, however, a dangerous flip side to faster and better communication. Money!

 Many people still believe in imaginary Gods because a deep religious faith helps alleviate the fear of death and comforts the lonely. Culturally and socially religious beliefs are losing ground however as education and instant technology slowly destroys old world cultural traditions. The ancient system of indoctrination still continues today but it is now in a new form. It is now used by faster and better communication systems to sell consumer items for economic profit and for the purpose of creating “consumers” to buy those items.

 Actors with smiling faces on large screen televisions have replaced the high priests of the past and today media advertising repeatedly bombards lonely minds for the purpose of selling basically useless products. Fictional fantasies in full color with sound and incredible animation are used to sell products to lonely people and if that sounds familiar it is the concept of religious indoctrination transformed for modern consumption. It has become a more dangerous and faster form of indoctrination because hand held computers are today in the hands of millions of children and the applications in those little computers are filled with advertising. A few giant multi-national companies are using constant repetition to create millions and millions of  indoctrinated “consumers!” The result is rampaging industrialization creating uncontrollable pollution!

The new God is commerce!
 It is a fact that everything within reality is constantly changing energy and therefore dear lovers of life, before using fiction to guide your lives, struggle to understand the wonderful facts that exist and which create a bases for fiction and Art. Study slow changing energy before it changes into other forms! Nature is a magnificent example of constantly slow changing energy! It is a place to go and visit in order to calm lonely feelings! Begin your search for artistic expression with flowers and trees and small animals and community vegetable gardens. Once you have a solid hold on reality you will be able to use your wonderful imaginations to combine basic facts into Art. I suggest, however, that you create Art representing the wonders of the Universe and to stay far far away from repetitive religious and commercial indoctrination!

Have a great life! Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

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