Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Vegan facts for keeping healthy.

Alex P

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 11:54 PM
Vegans have 4 times lower diabetes than meat eaters, 2 times lower diabetes than vegetarians. The picture shows a 9 dollar meter from Walmart, a 4$ lancing device, a lancet (1 cent each, can buy 200 for 2 dollars), and a test strip (can buy 50 for 9 dollars). This can be used to measure the glucose 1 hour after eating (should be below 140), 2 hour after eating (should be below 120) and in between meals (anywhere between 70-100 is perfect, but can also be between 100-120 too). Fasting blood glucose is ideally 70-90, but being between 90-100 is OK too. I noticed by doing over 50 tests that ginger, cilantro have a very good effect of lowering blood glucose. Today, the glucose was 93 one hour after eating cilantro, ginger and broccoli and then later on 87 1 hour after eating cilantro, ginger and broccoli again (all raw). . :)

50000 people study found that VEGANS have 4 times less diabetes than meat eaters and 2 times less than vegetarians ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3638849/ (full free paper - Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Apr; 23(4): 292–299). Cases of diabetes developed in 0.54% of vegans, 1.08% of lacto ovo vegetarians, 1.29% of pesco vegetarians, 0.92% of semi-vegetarians and 2.12% of non-vegetarians.

Going Vegan has helped many to prevent or even reverse Diabetes Type 2, and even Type 1 (https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/9fvp9fEvq7e, see how milk can cause type 1 diabetes ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/5VVB1tPWG1d) as explained below:

See below several videos about Reversing Diabetes using a Low Fat (saturated fat causes diabetes) Low Sugar (no refined sugars) Vegan Diet rich in fiber (legumes, veggies - those who ate 70 g of fiber or more daily - 4 times the standard American intake - reversed diabetes easily when cutting saturated fat in dairy-meats-fish-bacon too):

1. MD Michael Greger 7 min video ►http://nutritionfacts.org/video/diabetes-reversal-is-it-the-calories-or-the-food ► great video about reversing Type 2 diabetes with a whole plant vegan diet since the 1930s

2. http://www.mercurynews.com/health/ci_29523546/vegan-diet-makes-difference-reversing-diabetes - man reverses diabetes with a vegan diet

3. https://youtu.be/JDM5HsQ9qPM - 1 min video of Dr. Neal Barnard about curing diabetes with a vegan diet

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P85GQBnrZN8 - 2 min video of Dr. Neal Barnard about the benefits of the vegan diet: longevity, prevent heart problems, reverse heart disease, clean the arteries, reduce the risk of Alzheimer, lower blood pressure

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwgdX5VxGc - half hour video by a Canadian MD about using intermittent fasting to cure diabetes.

6. Studies show saturated fat (from dairy too, cheese has lots of it) causes diabetes ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/i9uNnN5UBaA.

7. https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/7ZqsihFo8Qe - 8 min video of Dr. Neal Barnard about reversing diabetes. People who eat the most cheese and bacon have 4 times the risk of Alzheimer, which is linked to diabetes. The higher the cholesterol and animal fat intake, the higher the cognitive decline and Alzheimer risk.

8. Kaiser Permanente recommends a vegan diet for the best health and longevity ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/PpeWtYgPn2R.

9. the importance of legumes (they provide the fiber diabetics desperately need) in blood sugar and cholesterol lowering ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/BcWdkj5YCKE.

Centenarians tend to have lower glucose levels than average, so if you want to live longer, you can go to Walmart or some store and buy a glucose testing kit to check the fasting glucose (normal is 70-100) or 1 hour after meal glucose (normal is below 140), 2 hour after meal glucose (normal is below 120). Walmart also has a kit to check A1C levels (5% is ideal). :) Eating veggies, no added sugar, lower glycemic load legumes, no fruits, can work well to lower blood glucose, besides exercising and intermittent 24 hour water fasts (once a week, this method of fasting was used by several MDs to take people off insulin medication, see video 5 above).

The problem with some of us (vegans included) is we don't pay attention to the huge amount of added sugars in processed foods or we eat perhaps foods with high glycemic load (beans double the glycemic load of lentils for example, even if same level of protein; sweet fruits and fruits in general raise the blood glucose levels since it's not released gradually in the blood) - which when combined with saturated fat from processed foods, like hydrogenated oils, etc lead to higher blood glucose than ideal - or even the beginning of pre-diabetes. But all these levels can be brought back instantly in many cases, within days by a diet change. Some people get off medication in 2 months, as this case ► http://www.forksoverknives.com/how-i-reversed-my-diabetes-and-stopped-all-medications-with-a-plant-based-diet/.

Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed with a vegan diet ►https://www.vegansociety.com/whats-new/news/type-2-diabetes-could-be-reversed-vegan-diet-say-leading-experts.

Type 1 Diabetes managed for 26 years with a Vegan Diet ►https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/9fvp9fEvq7e.

90 Day Study that lowered fasting glucose 8%:

It was found that centenarians have lower blood glucose, lower triglycerides, etc, so in one study they attempted to change the diet of 57 year olds by lowering carbohydrate intake and replacing it with more fat (something like eating tofu instead of lentils, or fewer lentils and more walnuts). They also took multivitamins and fat metabolism enhancing supplements like L-carnitine 2000 mg, CoQ10 100 mg, alpha lipoic acid 200 mg, DHA, EPA - one could use algae vegan oil for DHA, EPA too. The result (after 90 days only, unfortunately, this is a poor study since they did not follow them up years later to see long-term effect, if any arterial problems developed) was the lowing of the following blood parameters: leptin 48%, weight 8%, fasting glucose 8%, triglycerides 28%, insulin 40%. Due to many changes in one study it's impossible to determine what contribution the supplements had and what contribution the lower carbohydrate intake had on these parameters. It is nevertheless an informative study, since fat is always avoided these days. It would be more interesting to follow these people over years, not just 90 days and see if arterial plaque develops due to higher non-saturated fat intake. Many people develop arterial plaque if they eat too much fat and that build up takes 1 year at least. But the non-saturated fat metabolism can be sped up thru a proper supplementation, as indicated in this study - so in certain people higher fat intake should not cause a problem. The only issue is you don't know about plaque build up until you got a stroke. :) Or until it's so thick that you may have angina, or something and then it takes at least 3 months of zero fat to lower the plaque a little and maybe 1 year to get rid of it with zero fat and more garlic and other methods. They found garlic reduces 80% of plaque in a few years by just being added regularly to food, no other dietary change. There are other similar foods. For more info, see Journal of Applied Research, Vol 9, No 4, 2009 ► http://jrnlappliedresearch.com/articles/Vol9Iss4/Kohnilias.pdf

Note on Soy, Beans, Lentils, Grains, Nuts - very popular for Vegans:

1. SOY (tofu, soy milk, miso, tempeh, etc)

Eating only fermented soy products is hypothesized to be much better than eating both fermented and unfermented. However, nothing is that clear cut, since some studies indicate that out of fermented and unfermented soy products only tofu (unfermented) was effective in preventing prostate cancer ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19838933 - Nutr Cancer. 2009;61(5):598-606.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24473985 (Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 Winter;20 Suppl 1:39-51.) presents the complexities of soy products research on human health, proposing the hypothesis that soy foods may prevent heart disease and breast cancer. Given that tofu (the most consumed soy product) has omega 3 to omega 6 ratio 1:9 or so, it's not a healthy source of fat when used alone - flax sees, chia seeds have way more omega 3 than omega 6, helping to balance high intake of omega 6 from other foods. Our omega 3 should equal omega 6 intake ideally to prevent inflammation, at least that's the present mainstream hypothesis-belief. Aminoacid score of tofu is 68, compared to 86 for cooked lentils, meaning much lower. 50% of the calories in tofu come from fat, compared to just 3% in lentils. Lentils omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is about 1:4, which is healthier than the one in tofu. The only advantage of tofu is that it has much less carbohydrate load, so for certain people, with serious blood sugar issues, it may be better to not overeat some foods. But it's also controversial, since tofu fat (or fat in meat and fish) is also hypothesized to cause diabetes or make it worse. Since each individual is unique, with 1 million trillion chemical reactions a second, one would have to try perhaps different foods and see effect on blood glucose, and other important parameters. It's not as simple as "one food is best for all vegans". Some may benefit from a little tofu (too much can cause low sperm count in men and inability to conceive), lentils and some other protein sources, besides protein from kale, broccoli, spinach. Spinach, broccoli, kale protein is complete actually, same or higher score than lentils. Few non-vegans even know this.

Soy products are said to have many issues if not fermented, as in the most commonly eaten forms of soy in Asia. These issues relate to saponins (although some studies say saponins are good as they lower blood glucose ►http://www.pathophysiologyjournal.com/article/S0928-4680(15)00019-X/fulltext?mobileUi=0), soyatoxin, phytates, trypsin inhibitors, goitrogens (interfere with iodine uptake and can lead to thyroid gland enlargement) and phytoestrogens that remains in unfermented soy products such as soy milk and tofu.

Men who ate a lot of soy had 41 million sperm/ml less than men who did not consume soy foods ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2721724/. -- Hum Reprod. 2008 Nov; 23(11): 2584–2590.

High levels of soy (above 2 servings a day) lead to reduced ovarian function, lower circulating levels of hormones, especially lowered gonadotropin levels ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3139237/ -- J Nutr. 2010 Dec; 140(12): 2322S–2325S. However, at 1-2 servings of soy a day, no such effects were found.

In female rats, high soy intake caused infertility ►http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23000043 -- Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012 Nov 1;264(3):335-42.

In mice, high soy intake caused adenocarcinoma and early puberty.► http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1480510/ -- Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Jun; 114(6): A352–A358.

Judging by these studies, it seems to be unwise for both men and women to rely on daily tofu (say a pack that has 4 servings) as the only protein source if vegan and trying to conceive. Not just due to phytoestrogens, but also due to high levels of omega 6 inflammatory fat.

It is not good to give soy milk to babies or cow milk, but human milk. Soy formula milk has too many estrogens (5 times more than birth control pills, unhealthy for kids) and cow milk has lots of issues as explained at ► https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/4iMtMqvK2tX.


If you eat beans, soybeans or legumes, lentils are the healthiest as they got the lowest phytic acid, double the fiber in beans, half the glycemic load of beans. I always soak my lentils before i cook them with a pressure cooker.

Phytic acid levels in beans and lentils were observed to decrease the most, 90%, after 10 hours of soaking at 140 °F or 60 °C - as Chang et all explained in their now famous 1977 science paper. Too much phytic acid in the diet from eating unsoaked "grains (wheat especially), tofu soybeans, nuts, beans" can lead to extremely strong binding of Calcium and other minerals, which then weakens the bones and teeth. Soaking barley and rye leads to total elimination of phytic acid. Soaking beans in room temperature water 18 hours removes only 40-70% of phytic acid - depending on bean type. Lentils have 5 times less phytic acid than beans, take half the time to soak, have half the glycemic index of beans, double the fiber in beans, being totally superior to beans nutritionally. That is why I only eat lentils now, having given up beans 18 months ago. Soaking nuts, grains, beans, lentils is healthy since it removes also lectins which can irritate the digestive tract. To see the wonder of lentils, go tohttps://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/BcWdkj5YCKE.

To reduce phytic acid one needs to soak lentils and split peas at least 7 hours in warm water (140 F, or 60C) and 12-20 hours for beans, grains, nuts. Phytic acid could be removed by 90% by simply soaking beans at 60 ˚C for 10 hrs ► http://beaninstitute.com/beans-101/bean-chemistry/. Adding some lemon to create an acidic environment makes the phytic acid elimination more complete. After soaking, you can also let them sit wet until they sprout, that will reduce phytic acid more, but it's very time consuming, so most people won't do that. After soaking or soaking/sprouting, you can cook them. The key thing to recall is that canned beans or restaurant beans are not always prepared to reduce phytic acid and have too much salt and should be avoided at all costs by hypertensive people. Also all cereals, donuts, cookies, breads and grain products were not made with flour that was soaked and freed from phytic acid, so eating lots of processed grains is bad for your health, as phytic binds minerals that are key to proper organ repair.

This "soaking is essential" is a controversial hypothesis for some MDs who say the worry over phytic acid is overblown. But soaking has other advantages, such as removing lectins (which can inflame the digestive tract) and gas-flatulence causing oligosaccharides.


For 100+ reasons I didn't eat meat for 20 years and dairy for 12 years see ► https://plus.google.com/+AlexP/posts/EkQQAE68fCm
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