Wednesday, July 27, 2016

When Collards VS Kale, Collards win!

Alex P. On Collards VS Kale.

Cooked Collard greens have 30 times more lutein-zeaxanthin essential for good vision than do Carrots. (They are Carotenoids for the human eye macula)...and Collards have 20% more protein per calorie than does cooked broccoli.
Collard Greens also have 3% more protein per calorie than cooked lentils...11% more protein than cooked kale and higher protein quality than: lentils, kale or milk. The amino acid score is 94 versus 91 for kale, 86 for lentils, 85 for milk. Collard is also 3 times better digested by the human system than is Calcium and Collards have many more nutrients than does broccoli. (See the top vegan sources of Calcium at Https://

Collard greens are easy to steam and unlike other cruciferous vegetables, have far fewer goitrogens which are compounds mostly destroyed during cooking and which interfere with the thyroid when eaten raw in large amounts - too much of any food is bad! 
Because of these things, I have started eating a lot more collard greens with the aid of the pressure cooker Not to mention, steamed/cooked broccoli has 47% more carbs than steamed/cooked collard greens per 100 grams - which is not ideal for glucose control ► check your glucose 1 hour after meals with Steamed/cooked kale has 14% more carbs than collard greens, but less than broccoli, so I gave up eating kale - since collards have more easily absorbed Calcium and 11% higher quality protein. The Amino Acid score is (94 versus 91).

Neonicotinoids kill Bees. Bayer and Monsanto want to merge. Stop them!

Taren S-K, Unsubscribe

10:56 AM (11 hours ago)
to Joseph
When I started SumOfUs five years ago I had little more than a laptop and an idea: that corporations had too much power over our lives and that it was time for ordinary people to stand up to them. Today I’m part of a global community of more than 10 million people who have taken action with SumOfUs. It’s incredible that together we’ve become such a big global force for change in such a short space of time.
This year I made the difficult decision that it is time for me to take on different challenges and hand over to a new Executive Director to take our community from strength to strength.
I’m so enormously proud of what we’ve achieved together.So, before I go I wanted to remind you of some of our greatest hits...
Saving our bees
One of our earliest campaigns was to help protect the world’s bees from dangerous and harmful pesticides produced by chemical companies for profit.
SumOfUs members understand that all life is linked. If we lose one part, we all suffer. That’s why our community has mobilised in the millions to stand up for the planet’s bees.
bayer bees
Thanks to members likes you, we haven't missed an opportunity to share our message at the Bayer AGM itself in Germany, and protest its support of bee-killing neonics. We forced brands like Home Depot and Lowe’s to remove neonic pesticides from their shelves and recently we helped force the French government to announce a complete ban on the use of neonicotinoids.
That’s a huge win for people power.
Only a few weeks ago, Bayer announced a giant merger attempt with the other big producer of toxic chemicals, Monsanto. We’re gearing up for the mother of all battles to save the bees. If the deal goes through then the power of a combined Bayer-Monsanto company would be huge. It’ll take all our collective power to stop the deal.

Helping stop deforestation caused by conflict palm oil
Two years ago, we launched one of the biggest ever SumOfUs campaigns to stop conflict palm oil production. And what a campaign it’s been!
starbucks HQ
Together, by running petitions, protesting outside of stores and pressuring corporate executives, we helped force mega-brands like Starbucks, McDonald’s, and KFC into adopting sustainable palm oil sourcing policies.
One of our biggest targets is the snack food giant, PepsiCo. With thousands of small donations we launched a parody video exposing PepsiCo’s palm oil policy that went viral -- with over 20 million views. PepsiCo sat up and took notice and came out with a new policy.
But PepsiCo’s policy still has a huge loophole: it doesn't cover its producer in Indonesia. That means that deforestation, worker exploitation, and the destruction of the habitats of orangutans, rhinos, and elephants is still happening.
We need to amp up the pressure on PepsiCo to cut its ties to conflict palm oil -- but we can't do this without your support.
Protecting workers' rights around the world
Rana Plaze factory collapse
More than 1,000 people were killed when a garment factory collapsed in Dacca, Bangladesh.
Our community knew we had to act to get justice for workers. We worked closely with partners around the world and on the ground in Bangladesh to harness the power of global consumers to pressure clothing brands to do the right thing for garment workers.
SumOfUs members handed in letters to GAP store managers, and chipped in to bring Bangladeshi trade unionists to the United States to try to meet with Walmart executives. Because hundreds of thousands of us protested, we saw results: big brands took action and signed a fire safety accord. 
We know that workers in factories are still often exploited, and global brands often look away when they see the big bucks rolling in. SumOfUs will continue to stand up for workers wherever in the world they are. We’ve proven our movement can play a critical role, and we’ll be continuing to make sure global brands live up to their responsibilities.

Stopping dangerous trade deals
Current trade policies are bad news for people and the planet. Global trade policy lies at the heart of a system that impoverishes millions, rolls back vital protections for workers and our environment, and allows corporations to override democratic decisions.
Two of the biggest trade deals -- the Trans Pacific Partnership, and the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership -- are being pushed by politicians and corporate lobbyists.
Protest at TPP secret talks
Our campaigns against the deals have leveraged the power of our global community making sure we were there at every secret negotiation or remote location where trade negotiators were selling us out to global corporations.
They show that when we work together our collective voice is louder and stronger than when we act alone, that is the meaning of SumOfUs, the sum is greater than its parts.
We’re making progress but we haven’t stopped these deals yet, and our campaign won’t be over until all these deals are dead in the water.
The fight to hold corporations accountable has never been more important or more challenging. It can often feel like we’re isolated and powerless in the face of the mighty and powerful, but what SumOfUs shows is that we are strong when we stand together.
When we come together in our hundreds, thousands, or even millions, we can take on huge corporations -- and win! Even though I’m stepping down from my official role as Executive Director of SumOfUs, I’ll still be signing petitions, making phone calls, and showing up to demonstrations just like the rest of you. I have no doubt that all of us will keep fighting, and together we’ll achieve our mission of challenging corporate power and reshaping our world in favour of people over profit.
Keep fighting the good fight!

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hello Gentle People:

 Everybody needs a small garden. I have one Tomato plant growing fast and furious next to my steps in the worst weed patch known to mankind. This interesting event leads me to believe I can plant more Tomato's around and next to my old house next Spring, as long as I mix plenty of fertilizer and black earth in the hole under the roots of my plants.
 Now that I am facing success with that one Tomato, I am dreaming of Green Peppers and Carrots.
planted in a small Four by Four by One foot deep Black Earth and Sheep Shit fertilized garden. The garden has to be so close to my house and steps that I will literally step into it when climbing up to my apartment. This guarantees I will remember to take care of the vegetable plants before I do anything else!
 Wonderful!  A garden saves money and the veggies taste great!    Bye for now!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

From Climate Progress. More Tesla facts !


Tesla Wants To Help You Become Your Own Solar Utility. And Sell Lots Of Self-Driving Cars.

 JUL 21, 2016 11:16 AM

Tesla Motors Inc. CEO Elon Musk delivers a conference at the Paris Pantheon Sorbonne University as part of the COP21, United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Paris, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015.

If Elon Musk gets his way and his electric car company succeeds in buying the solar company SolarCity, Tesla will not just mean fancy electric vehicles (EVs). It will mean energy. Home battery storage. Solar panels on your roof. A wider variety of affordable Tesla vehicles driving the streets, increasingly without drivers — including a forthcoming Tesla Semi.

This corporate pivot was not wholly unexpected. On Tuesday, Reutersreported that Tesla had changed the name of its official corporate website from to — potentially signaling a shift in direction from an auto company to to an energy company that also makes vehicles.
Musk tweeted first on Tuesday that heplanned to “pull an all-nighter and complete the master product plan” and also that it seemed “appropriate” that he was listening to the soundtrack from the film The Great Gatsby.
Late Wednesday night, Musk tweeted a link to Tesla’s “Master Plan, Part Deux.”
Musk starts out reminding readers that the initial Master Plan, written 10 years ago, included “providing solar power,” after a ladder-like series of goals focused on electric vehicle production, innovation, and revolution. Tesla first wanted to get good at producing a fancy, amazing EV, and then using those profits to produce more and more EVs that might be less expensive and fancy but still were better than the competition.
The plan then gets to the part where Musk explains what this has really been all about:
However, the main reason was to explain how our actions fit into a larger picture, so that they would seem less random. The point of all this was, and remains, accelerating the advent of sustainable energy, so that we can imagine far into the future and life is still good. That’s what “sustainable” means. It’s not some silly, hippy thing — it matters for everyone.
By definition, we must at some point achieve a sustainable energy economy or we will run out of fossil fuels to burn and civilization will collapse. Given that we must get off fossil fuels anyway and that virtually all scientists agree that dramatically increasing atmospheric and oceanic carbon levels is insane, the faster we achieve sustainability, the better.
In the past, Musk has called for a carbon tax, and a “revolt” against the fossil fuel industry because of his concerns about climate change. He’s called uncapped greenhouse gas emissions “the dumbest experiment in history.”
So it’s not surprising that Musk feels this way, but to so clearly state the goals behind Tesla’s master plan as a sustainable world and cutting carbon emissions is notable.
Musk then proceeds to explain in the plan “what we plan to do to make that day come sooner.”
The first goal is to “integrate energy generation and storage” by allowing an individual to become their own utility. Using SolarCity’s pv panel technology and installation capabilities, he envisions a “smoothly integrated and beautiful solar-roof-with-battery product that just works.” This would be easy to order through a phone app. Last year, Tesla unveiled the Powerwall home battery system, which aimed “to fundamentally change the way the world uses energy” by making it easier to adopt widespread renewable energy. Storage is the only currently feasible way to dramatically scale up the use of renewable energy, which does not always provide a steady source of power, and maintain reliability.
Last month, Musk made it clear Tesla was going to try to buy SolarCity for about $2.5 billion, and this week told the Wall Street Journal he expected shareholders to strongly approve of the merger.
Musk explains in the plan that it never made sense for the two companies to be separate in the first place. "Now that Tesla is ready to scale Powerwall and SolarCity is ready to provide highly differentiated solar, the time has come to bring them together," he concludes.
If SolarCity can expand its market share in enough states to become a serious player in the utility and power sector, the goal, it seems, would be to integrate their solar systems into the networks of Tesla owners with their very own home Powerwalls. Far enough down the road it's possible to see a functioning vertically-integrated energy infrastructure provided by Tesla.
Practically speaking, this would mean you drive your Tesla electric vehicle and charge it up on your home battery, which is fueled by your SolarCity panels. Your home is also powered by the Powerwall home battery, making each homeowner into their own utility.
Beyond the energy infrastructure revolution Musk envisions, the master plan also details more about their planned vehicle fleet expansions, or in Musk's words, how Tesla will "Expand to Cover the Major Forms of Terrestrial Transport." This means a Tesla pickup truck, compact SUV, semi truck, and passenger bus, manufactured in an efficient factory redesigned by Tesla.
"We believe the Tesla Semi will deliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo transport, while increasing safety and making it really fun to operate," Musk said.
Beyond this, Tesla is doubling down on their quest to make vehicles entirely autonomous -- primarily, Musk argues, for safety reasons. Getting this right is crucial for Tesla, after the first person was killed driving a Tesla with autopilot engaged late last month. If they can get this right, and actual self-driving is legal, Musk can then turn Tesla toward the final goal of the master plan: sharing.
He envisions a future where someone can go to their phone and summon a Tesla — like an Uber but without a driver — from anywhere in the neighborhood. Tesla owners who include their vehicles in the sharing program would "have it generate income for you while you're at work or on vacation, significantly offsetting and at times potentially exceeding the monthly loan or lease cost."
All of these goals put together mean that the new plan is to:
Create stunning solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery storage
Expand the electric vehicle product line to address all major segments
Develop a self-driving capability that is 10X safer than manual via massive fleet learning
Enable your car to make money for you when you aren't using it.
Tesla shipped 50,580 vehicles last year, and plans to ship 79,000 this year.

From September 11, 2013 up to July 2016.

Original Message -----
From: Joseph Raglione 
To: Barack Obama
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2013 12:46 PM

Gentle People:

   On some days I am not sure what to think of the government in Washington! 

 How can it be possible that hand guns and assault rifles are legally allowed in the hands of almost every person within the United States? If the second amendment is the problem, hold a referendum by Television and Telephone and ask the question, should we amend the second amendment to limit assault rifles and hand guns? I believe the second amendment was created to protect  American ancestors from invasion by the British. it was not intended to create an armed camp today where children and babies are murdered on a regular basis by psychopathic maniacs!. What human being with any sense of moral and ethical judgement wants to see innocent children slaughtered like Cattle? What fools in the U.S. federal government want to allow this kind of mayhem to continue? 

My next question is what is happening with the new Medicare and Medicaid systems? Is the U.S. government winning or losing ground? Are U.S. citizens getting the help they need from hospitals and clinics?
Are multi-national profit oriented corporations and special interest groups continuing to dictate terms to Washington members of Congress? If so who are these dangerous organizations and why are they not exposed in the Media?

How can so many members of the Republican party be so ignorant about the fact of global warming? There is pictorial evidence from NASA that  Arctic ice has melted more within the last ten years than any other time in recorded history! Ozone holes are a reality and they are created by man made pollution. Arctic ice is coated with dirt and dust and soot from around the world, making the ice melt faster! Fresh water has become a commodity for sale in plastic bottles and clean water is no longer free for everybody!
Why are Television commercials filled with internal combustion engine cars, the main source of world pollution,  when alternatives are now available? Carbon Monoxide is a deadly gas and it should be out-lawed and certainly not pumped into the air we all breath! What is happening with the U.S. national Electric Grid and alternative energy sources? Has that been allowed to fail? If so I would suggest the Democrats get out of the political kitchen because the heat has become too hot for them!

T.V. should be regulated and violence reduced. Educational channels should proliferate as opposed to so-called reality channels where millions of T.V. viwers are now forced to sit and passively watch a parade of low intelligence people acting like fools simply to attract attention towards spot advertising! These waste of time programs have one sole purpose and that is to sell useless products to people with low incomes and low intelligence.
Millions of North American  viewers are being brain-washed and trained from childhood to watch violence on television. Repeated exposure to violence often desensitizes the human capacity for generosity and compassion.
Adults brought up by violence in their Media are desensitized to the violence in real life and this allows the gun merchants to continue proliferating wars and making obscene profits.

 Television has become a corporate controlled vehicle for selling gas burning vehicles to men. They also sell salt laden and chemical polluting hair products to women.  I suggest science based facts replace commercials on television. If companies put up a fight they can take credit for any honest science based facts they present. For example,  this two minutes of education is brought to you by Tesla, the anti- pollution Electric Car company.   

Signed: Joseph Raglione

Ex/Dir: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hard facts to digest for climate deniers!

Pierre Markuse

Shared publicly  -  Yesterday 5:38 PM
2016 Climate Trends Continue to Break Records

Two key climate change indicators -- global surface temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent -- have broken numerous records through the first half of 2016, according to NASA analyses of ground-based observations and satellite data.

Each of the first six months of 2016 set a record as the warmest respective month globally in the modern temperature record, which dates to 1880, according to scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York. The six-month period from January to June was also the planet's warmest half-year on record, with an average temperature 1.3 degrees Celsius (2.4 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the late nineteenth century.

Full story here:

Video: NASA Sees Temperatures Rise and Sea Ice Shrink - Climate Trends 2016

More information on Arctic sea ice and climate change

Take a look at the other materials at the National Snow and Ice Data Center website:

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: Chunks of sea ice, melt ponds and open water are all seen in this image captured at an altitude of 1,500 feet by the NASA's Digital Mapping System instrument during an Operation IceBridge flight over the Chukchi Sea ( on Saturday, July 16, 2016. NASA/Goddard/Operation IceBridge

#science  #earth #climate  #climatechange  #globalwarming   #arcticseaice   #seaice   #nasa  
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Obama signs global food security act.

Since taking office, President Obama has sought to define "global development" as more than mere charity, but as a comprehensive investment in initiatives, and people, that will create real outcomes for communities around the globe. As he said to the United Nations in 2010, "In our global economy, progress in even the poorest countries can advance the prosperity and security of people far beyond their borders, including my fellow Americans."
Over the last eight years, the Obama Administration has confronted some of the most daunting development and humanitarian challenges in modern history. The President has helped reshape the U.S. approach to development by partnering with countries, global coalitions and the engines of American innovation: corporations, foundations, universities, NGOs, and faith-based communities. From Feed the Future to the Open Government Partnership, the Obama Administration's signature initiatives and development partnerships have dramatically reduced poverty, malnutrition, and infant and maternal mortality, while spurring entrepreneurship and economic growth, increasing the number of adolescent girls in school, and helping to build more stable, accountable, and inclusive societies.
Even as we celebrate these gains and reflect on shared progress, we are reminded that billions of our fellow human beings still face poverty, violence, and disease every day. Despite the advances we’ve made, the circumstances in developing nations around the world demand creative and sustained global action.
On July 20, President Obama is joining entrepreneurs, diplomats, civil society members, public and private sector financing partners, and development leaders at the White House Summit on Global Development to mark our global progress and find ways to catalyze further development efforts that will improve real lives and deliver real outcomes in six key areas: energy, food security, global health, governance, partnership, and youth.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Here is why the U.S. is way behind Northern Europe.

Alex P

Shared publicly  -  4:32 PM
Offshore wind can produce 4 times the electricity America uses today. The U.S. is way behind Northern Europe which has 90% of the offshore wind Turbines existing on this planet. The total Offshore Wind Potential of America is over 4000 GW.  (Atlantic 1256 GW, Great lakes 734 GW, Pacific 930 GW, Hawaii 634 GW, Gulf 594 GW) :) Imagine: offshore wind alone can generate 4 times more electricity than America needs and that's true for other nations as well. Dozens of countries are near the Atlantic or Pacific or Indian oceans. For more details see...

See why I installed solar panels equivalent to planting 322 Trees ► and why I drive an electric car equivalent to planting 382 trees. ►
If your panels produce more electricity than you use, you get free charging for your car too, like me. :)
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She went Solar!!

In 1990, the electric company shut off my power for the first time. They did it because I simply couldn't afford to pay my electrical bill.
After working as a bus driver for over a decade, I had suffered an accident that put me on a partial disability pension -- and without a regular income. I sometimes had to make the tough choice between feeding my family, paying the mortgage, and paying the electric company.
You can probably guess which option I picked. But this meant that I've frequently lived in a house without power.
That's all changed now.
How I went solar (and you can, too)
Last week, a team of people installed a set of brand new solar panels on my roof -- panels that cost next-to-nothing upfront. Panels that I will be able to pay off, over time, through savings on my monthly energy bill.
Now, I wake up every day and I just can't stop smiling. My home looks good. A major, monthly expense no longer keeps me up at night. That frees me up to be thinking about my kids and their futures -- about the future of my whole community.
Because, while I'm proud to be the first person on my block to have solar panels installed, I won't be the last. I know I am not the only one who has struggled to afford my electric bill.
But I also know that, thanks to steps that President Obama has taken in the past eight years, solar panels are now within reach for millions of people in this country. That's very exciting.
Watch my story -- and find out what you can do for your home -- here.
Join me. Be a solar pioneer in your community.
Ida Rhyne

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