Monday, March 14, 2016

"When bees die, people starve."

The bees are going EXTINCT


Paul Ferris,

11:51 AM (43 minutes ago)
to Joseph

A new U.N. report finds that bees and other pollinators are in dire risk of extinction. And yet Bayer is suing the E.U. so they can sell even more bee-killing pesticides.

Will you chip in CA$1 to help organize a major action at Bayer's annual meeting?
A shocking new United Nations study finds that bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are in even greater danger than we previously thought --and may even be at risk of extinction.
Conducted by a top team of 70 U.N. scientists, the report is the first-ever global study on the health of bees and other pollinators. And the results are much, much worse than many expected.
Meanwhile, Bayer, one of the world's biggest producers of bee-killing pesticides, is SUING the European Commission to lift its ban on the pesticides that are driving bees toward extinction.
We're organizing a major action to demand that Bayer drop its suit and stop killing bees. Will you chip in CA$1 to help save the bees before they're gone?
Yes, I'll chip in CA$1 to help keep bees, butterflies, and the other pollinators we rely on from going extinct.
Without bees and other pollinators, the world will face a global food crisis.
Almost 90 percent of all flowering plants rely on pollinators -- including 75 percent of the world's food crops.
In other words, when bees die, people starve.
Of course, we've known for a long time that bee populations are in decline. But this study shows that the threat of global extinction has risen to a whole new level.
It's perhaps the biggest wake-up call we've gotten yet -- and that's why we're demanding that the world's biggest producers of bee-killing pesticides take these deadly products off the market.
Will you chip in CA$1 to demand that Bayer stop producing the pesticides that are helping drive bees into extinction?
Thanks for all you do,
Paul, Jon and the team at SumOfUs

More Information:
Unprecedented scientific report says bees and other pollinators are in dire need of help, Washington Post, February 26, 2016
Press Release: Pollinators Vital to Our Food Supply Under Threat, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, February 26, 2016

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