Monday, March 21, 2016

Gentle friends: What in the name of logic is Space/time?

To my sorrow and shame I am not a scientist or physicist or astronomer! I can declare, however, with some pride that I am a science based philosopher. With that said I can go ahead and declare that time is a human cultural invention and we human inventors should forget about it completely. Without the concept of time we can concentrate on what does exist: Energy. Specifically, energy in motion and transformation. Constantly changing and transforming energy from extreme heat to extreme cold to gas and liquids and solids and then back again. I cannot prove the following theory but then neither can anybody else and logic leads me to believe that all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing and there is zero proof that energy began from somewhere and zero proof it will end somewhere else. No creative big Bang or medium Bang or even a little Bang can be proven by the best of our scientists as the source of all that exists. (That also applies to religious beliefs!)

 The best any scientist can do today, which is excellent work, is to study how energy changes and transforms and creates all that currently exists. Galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies of energy as far and deep into the Universe as is possible to see with our magnificent technology...are being discovered and studied and with so much existing energy occupying so much space that Time cannot possibly exist except as a philosophical concept and should be reformulated as changing energy.  T=E*C
Need proof? How many of you "adjust" your clocks twice a year and move the needles forward and or backward? How does it feel to play with eternal energy twice a year?
Bye for now!
Joseph Raglione

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