Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fossil Fuels continue to dominate the market and destroy the Planet!

Hello Gentle Readers!

 Today is March 17, 2016. In 2013 I wrote an article that sadly continues to carry true today. Fossil fuels continue to create havoc with our Planet's environment. 

 Gentle readers of this blog. Festering anger is an emotion I intensely dislike. It is an anger I am feeling towards my (past Conservative) Canadian government and towards all politicians and business people today who continue to be involved with the production and delivery of fossil fuels. It is what I feel when I see the horrible deaths of thousands of helpless people around the world created by destructive Hurricanes and Typhoons the size and strength of which has not been recorded in human history. This festering anger burns inside of me every time I see a gas burning car or truck commercial on television and every time I am forced to watch a government sponsored commercial depicting how creating oil pipelines or natural gas plants will help develop our Canadian economy. I connected the dots years ago. Fossil fuels create warm air that in turn create warm Ocean water currents which create extremely dangerous Hurricanes and Cyclones.  

 Our so called political and economic leaders pretend they do not believe in global warming. I honestly wish they all lived under a Hurricane or Typhoon zone.
 What feeds my anger is the certain knowledge that these cold blooded commercial human beings are the indirect cause of the most horrific climate disasters ever to curse our lives! My anger burns deep! It is the absolute knowledge that we could have slowed climate change years ago when U.S. Senator Al Gore first provided us with solid science based evidence of man made global warming. For his honest efforts, Al Gore was chastised and dismissed by global warming deniers who today continue to deride and obstruct any efforts to slow climate change. Why? Because it is not in their economic best interests to allow alternative energy systems to exist! The proof of that became evident when the first efficient Electric Cars produced by the General Motors company, were literally forced off the market by Oil rich Republican president Bush and his new pro Oil government. When the Republicans were finally voted out of the U.S. government, they were content in the knowledge that our Canadian government had a Tar sands and Oil friendly new Conservative leader.  

  The U.S. Electric cars were completely destroyed but the concept was not killed. Today, the Australian Elon Musk with his Tesla company has brought back the Electric car to the United States and Japan and China are doing the same thing for the world. More than a few international companies have followed suit but is it too little too late? Has time run out on all of us? Within the last Thirteen years C02 emissions in the atmosphere have jumped up and off the science charts. Glaciers have melted around the world because there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere. These emissions are created almost completely by humans burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere. With warmer air the Arctic Ice has melted and our Oceans have become a birthing ground for Hurricanes and Cyclones the size of continents. Today I am pointing the finger directly at every human being who is creating and pumping Carbon pollution into our atmosphere and sadly, that includes myself. I could have made stronger efforts to stop the pollution! Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
P.S. Need proof! How about the following facts from NASA

Record Warmth in February

February 2016 was the warmest February in 136 years of modern temperature records. That month deviated more from normal than any month on record. According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature in February was about 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.8 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the previous record (February 1998). February 2016 was 1.35 degrees Celsius above the 1951–80 average; February 1998 was 0.88°C above it. Both records were set during strong El Niño ( events.

Full story here:

Where to start when looking for information on climate change?

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using data from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Caption by Adam Voiland.

#science  #earth #climate #climatechange   #globalwarming   #giss  #nasa #ElNiño  

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