Monday, March 7, 2016

The Anthropocene Extinction and we are next!

I found this in the National Geographic web site.

“The Anthropocene Extinction”

Canyon tree frogs, like this one in Zion National Park, Utah, are not endangered. For now.
Photo by Robert Sisson, National Geographic
Many paleontologists argue that we’re currently experiencing the highest rate of species extinctions since the loss of the dinosaurs. It’s too early to say for sure, but the signs are all around us: frogs are dying at alarming rates around the world, climate change is eliminating habitats of countless species, and the decline of pollinators will have far-reaching consequences. The culprit? Without question, humans. We can wait to find out if the “Anthropocene Extinction” turns out to be in the ranks of the “Big Five Extinctions”—possibly eliminating ourselves in the process—or we can take the more hopeful approach, and change our ways.

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