Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why is life so precious? Because it is rare in the universe.

Why is life so precious?

 All is total changing energy. You can have life existing on a molecular level such as a microbe or virus...on thoughtless instinct such as a Tree or plant...however, without life there exists simply changing energy. Volcanic molten Lava is a good example. Humans who die and lose conscious thought become once again part of the total changing energy of the universe and science is proving that life does not exist anywhere close to us in the universe. There do exist billions of stars and planets and hopefully somewhere there is life similar if not exactly to ours but at this point scientists have found nothing. Zero life elsewhere! If there is life out there it is so far away we humans may never be able to reach out that far.  We can prove ourselves lucky to be living on this small Blue Planet Earth. Life exists here and it must be protected. We must not allow human need and human greed to destroy the Natural system of energy that sustains all life on Earth.

Signed: Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.

Monday, March 28, 2016

6 Reasons To Use Manual Focus

1. When it’s too dark (and too distant) for autofocus.

While modern digital cameras have come a long way, autofocus still can’t see in the dark. If you’ve ever attempted to photograph the night sky with autofocus on, your camera probably searched in and out for a focus point, but could never really lock on anything. That’s largely because it was too dark for the autofocus system to detect a subject.
Many DSLRs are now equipped with what’s called an AF assist beam. When lighting is low, the camera will send out a beam of light to help find the focus. That’s a big help for shooting moving subjects in limited light—like at a wedding reception. The AF assist beam is limited to just a few feet though—so it doesn’t help at all when trying to photograph the moon with autofocus, for example.
Because of these limitations, manual focus is a must for scenarios like photographing the night sky. Night landscapes are another common scenario when manual focus becomes necessary. Some cameras may do fine photographing a dark dance floor with autofocus thanks to an AF assist beam, others won’t be able to lock focus—just one more reason why it’s important to be familiar with your gear and its limitations.

2. When shooting landscapes.

In most scenarios, photographers want their landscape photos to be as sharp as possible to show the most detail. A sharp landscape shot involves getting the depth of field right with a narrow aperture, but focus plays a role as well. While there are autofocus techniques that work well for landscape photography, such as focusing on the bottom third of the frame, manual focus allows the photographer to choose a distance that should be sharp, instead of a point on the photo. That’s handy for focusing on mountains in the distance, or keeping the foreground in focus. In most scenarios, landscape photos aren’t taken with time crunch, so taking the time to focus manually often isn’t an issue.

3. With an object in the foreground.

Most autofocus systems work by selecting a point near the center or the object that’s closest. That makes it tough to get a sharp shot when you’d like an element in the foreground to remain out of focus. In many cases, using single point autofocus still allows you to use autofocus and get great results, but that’s not always the case. If you are framing the shot with foliage and it’s windy, using manual focus may be necessary. If there are a lot of foreground elements, like shooting through several branches, manual focus becomes a must. Cameras equipped with focus peaking, or the ability to zoom in as you select the focus point, are a big help in these scenarios.

4. When shooting macro.

shooting macroThe closer you are to the subject, the deeper your depth of field is. That means, when you shoot macro photos, most of the image is out of focus simply because you are so close. With such a small range of the shot in focus, many macro photographers prefer manual focus. Unlike autofocus, manual while shooting macro is easier to control. Autofocus is also more prone to errors when shooting macro, since even the tiniest camera movements can throw the subject out of focus.

5. When the scene has little contrast.

If a scene doesn’t have much contrast—like photographing a white dog in the snow—the autofocus often won’t be able to lock on the subject. Sometimes, using single point autofocus and autofocus lock helps, but in many cases, manual focus is a must in photos with very little contrast.

6. When you need more control.

Using single point autofocus allows the photographer to choose an area to focus on, using manual focus allows the photographer to choose a distance to focus on. While autofocus will keep everything at the same distance in focus as well, sometimes you just need the greater amount of control that manual focus provides. While manual focus isn’t a good option when you need to shoot quickly, like in sports, there are a number of times when that greater level of control helps make the shot.
Modern cameras have made big improvements in autofocus technology, making it a great tool that works best most of the time. However, there are still a few scenarios where manual focus trumps even the new autofocus technology. Manual focus makes it possible to shoot in dark and low contrast scenes, as well as giving the photographer more control in landscape and macro photography, as well as shots with foreground elements.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Here is a great short story movie from my friends:

Monday, March 21, 2016

He is the coolest president of the U.S...ever! In contrast, my Canadian federal government is offering me a T shirt.

President Barack Obama

12:20 PM (7 hours ago)
to human4us

The White House, Washington

¡Hola desde Cuba! Michelle, the girls, and I are here in Havana on our first full day in Cuba. Cubans have lined the streets to welcome us, and it’s humbling to be the first U.S. president in nearly 90 years to visit a country and a people just 90 miles from our shores.

President Obama and the First Family Take a Walk in Old Havana

Like so many Americans, I've only known the isolation that has existed between our two governments. I was born in 1961, the year of the Bay of Pigs invasion. A year later, a Cold War confrontation over Cuba pushed the world as close as it’s ever been to nuclear war. As the decades passed, the mistrust between our governments resulted in heartache for our two peoples, including Cuban Americans, many of whom have endured decades of separation from their homeland and relatives.
I’ve come to Havana to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people. I'm here to bury the last vestige of the Cold War in the Americas and to forge a new era of understanding to help improve the daily lives of the Cuban people.
There continue to be real and important differences between our governments, including profound differences on the way to promote safety, security, opportunity, and human rights. But there’s so much Americans and Cubans share -- our cultures and passions, our hopes for the future, not to mention a love of baseball.
I know one visit, and one president, cannot erase the decades of history that have left so many Cubans in poverty or exile. But sometimes the most important changes begin with the smallest step. I believe in the Cuban people and their desire to build a future of their own choosing. And I believe that changing the way we do things between our countries will, over time, help make that possible.
So I’m looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from Cubans from all walks of life. And I’m confident that, working together with the Cuban people, our two countries can begin a new journey together that delivers progress for both our peoples.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
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Gentle friends: What in the name of logic is Space/time?

To my sorrow and shame I am not a scientist or physicist or astronomer! I can declare, however, with some pride that I am a science based philosopher. With that said I can go ahead and declare that time is a human cultural invention and we human inventors should forget about it completely. Without the concept of time we can concentrate on what does exist: Energy. Specifically, energy in motion and transformation. Constantly changing and transforming energy from extreme heat to extreme cold to gas and liquids and solids and then back again. I cannot prove the following theory but then neither can anybody else and logic leads me to believe that all the energy that ever was still is constantly changing and there is zero proof that energy began from somewhere and zero proof it will end somewhere else. No creative big Bang or medium Bang or even a little Bang can be proven by the best of our scientists as the source of all that exists. (That also applies to religious beliefs!)

 The best any scientist can do today, which is excellent work, is to study how energy changes and transforms and creates all that currently exists. Galaxies upon galaxies upon galaxies of energy as far and deep into the Universe as is possible to see with our magnificent technology...are being discovered and studied and with so much existing energy occupying so much space that Time cannot possibly exist except as a philosophical concept and should be reformulated as changing energy.  T=E*C
Need proof? How many of you "adjust" your clocks twice a year and move the needles forward and or backward? How does it feel to play with eternal energy twice a year?
Bye for now!
Joseph Raglione

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Breaking news: SeaWorld in California just announced it’s ending its orca breeding program! The orca whales in the parks right now will be the last generation ever kept in tiny, cage-like tanks. This is huge news -- and happened because of 1.6 million people around the world like you.
But our fight isn't over yet. SeaWorld is still keeping its existing orcas in captivity for entertainment — and nothing stops other corporations from doing the same.
 Can you share the news and demand that orca captivity ends once and for all?
(Facebook tip: More friends will see what you share if you include a comment or tag their names)

Thanks for all you do,
Paul, Angus, Nicole, Emma, Eoin, and the rest of the team at SumOfUs

More Information:
SeaWorld's orcas will be last generation at parks, CNN, March 17th, 2016

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 .
Have a great idea for a SumOfUs campaign? Start your own petition and the best ones could be emailed to the whole SumOfUs community.
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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fossil Fuels continue to dominate the market and destroy the Planet!

Hello Gentle Readers!

 Today is March 17, 2016. In 2013 I wrote an article that sadly continues to carry true today. Fossil fuels continue to create havoc with our Planet's environment. 

 Gentle readers of this blog. Festering anger is an emotion I intensely dislike. It is an anger I am feeling towards my (past Conservative) Canadian government and towards all politicians and business people today who continue to be involved with the production and delivery of fossil fuels. It is what I feel when I see the horrible deaths of thousands of helpless people around the world created by destructive Hurricanes and Typhoons the size and strength of which has not been recorded in human history. This festering anger burns inside of me every time I see a gas burning car or truck commercial on television and every time I am forced to watch a government sponsored commercial depicting how creating oil pipelines or natural gas plants will help develop our Canadian economy. I connected the dots years ago. Fossil fuels create warm air that in turn create warm Ocean water currents which create extremely dangerous Hurricanes and Cyclones.  

 Our so called political and economic leaders pretend they do not believe in global warming. I honestly wish they all lived under a Hurricane or Typhoon zone.
 What feeds my anger is the certain knowledge that these cold blooded commercial human beings are the indirect cause of the most horrific climate disasters ever to curse our lives! My anger burns deep! It is the absolute knowledge that we could have slowed climate change years ago when U.S. Senator Al Gore first provided us with solid science based evidence of man made global warming. For his honest efforts, Al Gore was chastised and dismissed by global warming deniers who today continue to deride and obstruct any efforts to slow climate change. Why? Because it is not in their economic best interests to allow alternative energy systems to exist! The proof of that became evident when the first efficient Electric Cars produced by the General Motors company, were literally forced off the market by Oil rich Republican president Bush and his new pro Oil government. When the Republicans were finally voted out of the U.S. government, they were content in the knowledge that our Canadian government had a Tar sands and Oil friendly new Conservative leader.  

  The U.S. Electric cars were completely destroyed but the concept was not killed. Today, the Australian Elon Musk with his Tesla company has brought back the Electric car to the United States and Japan and China are doing the same thing for the world. More than a few international companies have followed suit but is it too little too late? Has time run out on all of us? Within the last Thirteen years C02 emissions in the atmosphere have jumped up and off the science charts. Glaciers have melted around the world because there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere. These emissions are created almost completely by humans burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere. With warmer air the Arctic Ice has melted and our Oceans have become a birthing ground for Hurricanes and Cyclones the size of continents. Today I am pointing the finger directly at every human being who is creating and pumping Carbon pollution into our atmosphere and sadly, that includes myself. I could have made stronger efforts to stop the pollution! Signed: Joseph Raglione Executive Director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.
P.S. Need proof! How about the following facts from NASA

Record Warmth in February

February 2016 was the warmest February in 136 years of modern temperature records. That month deviated more from normal than any month on record. According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature in February was about 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.8 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the previous record (February 1998). February 2016 was 1.35 degrees Celsius above the 1951–80 average; February 1998 was 0.88°C above it. Both records were set during strong El Niño ( events.

Full story here:

Where to start when looking for information on climate change?

Check out NASA's Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet website with lots of information on global climate change:

Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using data from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Caption by Adam Voiland.

#science  #earth #climate #climatechange   #globalwarming   #giss  #nasa #ElNiño  

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A foreign backed LNG plant next to a Salmon Run in Canada.

A foreign backed LNG plant next to a Salmon Run in Canada! They must believe our Canadian government is a friendly sell-out to polluters? It must be the long years of the Harper Conservative administration that created the international impression we are friendly to polluters! I hope our new Liberal government has better and higher values!
What is clean air and water and non polluted food worth to you? As a Canadian citizen are you ready to sell-out your country for money?  

Angus Wong,

Mar 7 (11 days ago)
to Joseph
Canada's next big climate fight is taking place on tiny Lelu Island, the proposed site of a massive foreign-backed LNG plant.

Send a message to our Environment Minister and the Environmental Assessment Agency to reject this disastrous project!
The next fight against climate change is happening on a tiny remote island in northwestern British Columbia -- andeverything is at stake.
Malaysian-owned Petronas wants to build a massive LNG plant on Lelu Island, right on top of Canada’s second largest wild salmon run. The project runs roughshod over First Nations rights and would create one of the largest single-point sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the country.
We need to make it impossible for Canada to approve this project. That’s why we’re flooding the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) and Environment Minister Catherine McKenna with all the reasons this project would be a catastrophe for Canadians.
This is Canada’s next big climate battle. Can you tell Minister McKenna and the CEAA why this is a fight we can’t lose ahead of the submission deadline this week?
The Petronas project would be an ecological disaster. The waters off the coast of Prince George are home to majestic Grey whales, Fin whales and Killer whales -- all listed as at risk. Also, this project would put porpoises, sea lions and sea otters that are already at risk in even more danger.
Investing in Petronas is risky and makes no economic sense. Petronas is mired in corruption charges back home. The president is currently accused of stealing $700 million and covering up $11 billion in debt. Meanwhile, the global price of LNG is plummeting due to market saturation, making the project a serious gamble.
But right now, we have one week to stop this project from happening.
Our new government promised it would protect the environment, respect Indigenous rights and listen to scientists. It promised to put Canadians first -- not profit for foreign corporations. The government has a public comment period open right now, and it if we flood it with comments, we can make sure this disastrous project is never built.
Click here to send Minister McKenna a message about the boneheaded plan to build an LNG plant on Lelu Island.
Thanks for everything you do,
Angus, Emma, Rosa, Liz, and the rest of the SumOfUs team

More information:
The Stand at Lelu Island: B.C. First Nations vow to halt LNG project, Ricochet, Nov 5, 2015
Open Letter from Donald Wesley, a Hereditary Chief from Lax Kw'alaams First Nation, Nov 9, 2015

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in CA$3 .
Have a great idea for a SumOfUs campaign? Start your own petition and the best ones could be emailed to the whole SumOfUs community.
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The president of the United States, Barack Obama, is throwing the "Baton" of power to the technology and communication industries.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Story of Stuff project provides a great alternative life style.

[The Good Stuff] A Little Cheer for Your Inbox


Shana DeClercq, The Story of Stuff Project

Mar 12 (2 days ago)
to Joseph
The Good Stuff
Welcome to the first edition of The Good Stuff—your update on what’s working in the world from The Story of Stuff Project!
Big news! Next Tuesday—World Water Day—we’re going to show the whole world what it looks like when a small community stands up to a giant corporation to protect its water. We need your help to get the message out, so stay tuned and share, share, share on March 22nd.
See the trailer for our new movie!
This story about sharing, written by our Social Media Fellow, made our week. We hope it makes yours too!
Growing Solutions

Now is the time to put your values into action. Join hundreds of thousands of your fellow Story of Stuff Community members in telling Nestle: “Turn off the spigot in drought-ravaged San Bernardino!”
Sign the petition!
There are a lot of upsetting stories in the news these days. But you know what’s not getting reported? A huge boom in what we call “the real sharing economy:” 

All in all, this is such a great time to give and take Stuffdownsize your Stuffexchange Stuffremember Stuff, and repair Stuff.

Sharing truly strengthens the fabric of our communities.
Speaking of healthy communities... In the U.S. and other places around the world, 2016 is a big election year--which is a great time to flex your citizen muscle! So, we’re burning with curiosity:do you plan to vote this year?

Photo of sidewalk chalk spelling the word Vote
That's it for The Good Stuff! Thanks for reading. Let's keep working together to build a brighter, better world for everyone. And let's have some fun doing it!
The Story of Stuff Project runs on donations from people like you. Please make a one-time contribution, or better yet, sustain our work by signing up to be a monthly donor. Any amount makes a difference!
I Don’t Want The Good Stuff.

The Story of Stuff Project is a registered U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Donations to The Story of Stuff Project are tax-deductible in the United States.

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 Dear President Trump: It is not a damn card game! Your murderous friend, Putin, who learned to murder in the K.G.B, continues his murderous...