Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Will he shut up! No he won't! Thank goodness!

To: Joseph Raglione

Hey Joseph,
You're part of a SumOfUs community that has done so much for the bees -- and the security of our food supply. Because of the pressure from SumOfUs members, one of the biggest home and garden supply stores has taken "neonic" pesticides off its shelves. Because of people-power, we were able to shake up Bayer's annual general meeting in Cologne, Germany two years running. We're supporting a vital legal battle to keep bee-killing pesticides banned in the Europe, while trying to spread the ban on the same chemicals in other parts of the world. SumOfUs members are helping to lead the fight to save the bees all over the planet. 
Your support is crucial now. Our decision-makers need to see the vital research done by Jonathan Lundgren and his peers so they can finally ban these pesticides for good. We simply can't afford to let big corporations shut down researchers.

Thank you so much,
Carys and the team from SumOfUs
Original email:

An award-winning bee scientist has been suspended in retaliation for his research linking bee die-offs to bee-killing pesticides. Will you chip in CA$1 to stand with him against the censorship of science?
One of the world's top bee scientists has been suspended for publishing research on bee-killing pesticides.
Jonathan Lundgren was an award-winning scientist for 11 years with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But once he started publishing data linking pesticides to bee and butterfly die-offs, he was ordered to stop talking.
When he refused, he was suspended.
Now Jonathan is fighting back. He's filed a whistleblower complaint to make sure that corporations can’t get away with gagging science.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen corporate-influenced governments trying to silence bee scientists.
In the U.K., the government silenced scientists who disagreed with a decision to lift a ban on bee-killing pesticides. Big Ag lobbyists wanted the ban lifted, but when the scientists wouldn't go along with it, the government simply told them not to publish their views.
But this time the corporations picked on the wrong scientist. Jonathan Lundgren is refusing to back down.
Now a judge has ruled that Jonathan's whistleblower complaint may go forward -- meaning he has a real chance of getting justice and showing how corporations are exerting undue influence over government research.
Will you chip in CA$1 to help fight back? T o help make sure that Jonathan Lundgren and other bee scientists can speak the truth without harassment?
Thanks for all you do,
Carys, Jon, and the team at SumOfUs
Can you donate today to stop the censorship of bee science?

SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
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