Sunday, January 10, 2016

Gentle People:

 In Canada, we need to copy the Switzerland and Denmark and Norway model of government. A government based on social trust between basically opposing groups.

 The governments of these Three Nordique countries believe in human rights and they each have social policies that protect the general population. They have free Medical care and free University education and their unemployment and pension funds are full providing a safety net for their citizens. 

 They also have industrial capitalism where industries are allowed to lay off workers without serious consequence if the companies have cash flow problems. The unemployment insurance and the free education system picks up the slack to help re-educate laid-off workers. They also have an extremely high Tax rate that pays for the free social safety net. This, along with a protected conservative pension fund and basic social trust where pulling your own weight is the norm; has created within these countries a social contract that is debt free and the best in the world. These Nordique countries are great models for our Canadian social system. 

 With that said, I would like to remind the Canadian government that global warming is deadly serious and Gas and Oil are dangerous pollutants. Do not buy Gas or Oil from Nordique countries or from any other country and find alternative energy solutions at home here in Canada.  

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