Thursday, January 14, 2016

Index's are wonderful things! Especially when free!

 Intelligence is a wonderful thing! 

Gentle Citizens of the World: 

 Intelligence is a wonderful thing! It allows human beings to compete for food and territory with each other and with the other species on this planet. Also, and because of our intelligence, we survive better and more comfortably than do animals who are living in the wild and who are attempting to co-exist with us. Unfortunately because of our intelligence, we have beaten and killed and dominated the other species into near extinction!  Many species including our beautiful Lions and Elephants and Tigers are losing the struggle for basic survival while we humans proliferate into the billions. The few solutions we have attempted to create in order to slow our human birth rate have been disallowed by our prolific religious world leaders and a majority of our world politicians who unfortunately are not, in most part, educated in basic science. All the other species are now subject to us! The trees and plants and microbes and germs and viruses are not exempted. Humans are masters of the planet!  I am ashamed to be a human who is forced to witness the destruction of other life forms! I am willing to make room and to protect the other life forms on this            planet and like the other life forms, I refuse to leave this planet willingly!

 We Homo Sapiens have created tools and guns and ways to murder each other and as many other species as have the temerity to exist or stand in our way! We are foolishly and ignorantly proud of our so-called "industrial progress" and that industrial progress has been destroying and not enhancing life on Earth. If it were the other way around I would not feel the need to write these words!
 I now ask you, on behalf of the other species who cannot ask, to please create and enforce stronger anti-pollution laws and to actively work to save the natural environment of this planet!
 Please create and place economic value on products that help nature and do not destroy nature. Please reward those humans who create life enhancing products and stop economically rewarding those who create products that pollute and harm life on Earth! That would include guns and bombs, fossil fuels and gas burning cars and destructive chemicals and industrial products that do us all harm! Please slow or stop the Media advertising of such destructive products! 

 We humans are highly intelligent and we can use our collective imaginations for creating cities filled with flower gardens and trees and roof-top green-houses. Cities filled with Bicycle paths and Electric vehicles and quick non-polluting mass transit systems. We certainly can use our half-empty office buildings at night for creating living spaces for homeless people and for plants and even for small animals. We must ban the internal combustion engines from our city streets and destructive fossil fuels and polluting chemicals from our lives. We do have wonderful alternatives ready for use.

 We can improve our mass transit systems and we must lower Electric Bus fares for the poor and elderly who are the ones  left out and behind when you speak about growing the middle class.
We can create buildings that allow for quiet rooms where people could go and sit and relax without the mind disturbing incessant noise now permeating large shopping malls.
You can even place shopping-malls under ground and place large Geodesic Domes filled with plants and trees and small animals above the shopping malls.
You can do all of these wonderful things or you can do nothing and watch as nature, now polluted by humans, silently turns against life on Earth. 
Thanks for reading this letter!

Joseph Raglione
Executive director: The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement.


The World Humanitarian Peace and Ecology Movement presents:

Our international website index. 
Freedom with honesty and justice and courage…
Compassion with dignity, tolerance and humour…
Peace with love and harmony towards all life on Earth.
All that ever was still is constantly changing within the eternal energy of the
universe and the only constant within eternity is constant change. 
Author: Joseph Raglione
Gentle People:
Welcome to my index of fun websites and return as often as you like. Joseph Raglione/
6. =
18. =
30.=  How to greatly improve our school systems.

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