Friday, January 22, 2016

Thank you prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Thank you Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

 I know that today you have returned from Davos Switzerland where you made important political and economic contacts. Did you also visit Norway and check-out all the Electric Tesla vehicles the citizens of Norway are driving? They might have tried to sell you ship-loads of Oil but don't buy the Oil or the Ships, however, you can use their political and economic social systems and you could create, here in Canada,  a few Thorium nuclear reactors or other alternative energy systems.
P.S.  Implementing the oil pipeline is political and economic and environmental suicide.

  In Canada we could be riding in small Electric city Buses and visiting our Hydroponic Green Houses where many unemployed Botanical students could be working. We could be installing thousands upon thousands of Solar powered charging stations across Canada utilizing thin Solar Panels wrapped around Telephone Poles. We could be building new Water filtration plants in order to have clean non-toxic water to drink or sewage treatment plants so that we don't have to dump several Billion litres of toxic waste into our rivers. 
 I could go on for hours but I am sure you have intelligent and creative Liberal Party people providing you with great ideas. If not, visit  Google+  or watch this small video explaining in great detail why our planet is dying and who is causing the damage.  Your children will suffer the consequences of the actions created by elite psychopaths.

It's 2016 -- and I couldn't be happier.
Don't get me wrong, 2015 was an amazing year and you have my deepest thanks for your generosity and support. Together we made history -- bringing renewed optimism to Canadians in every corner of our country, and to all those we’ve welcomed to Canada over the last six weeks.
But we are in a new year now. And this year, more than any other, the hope of new beginnings is on my mind. I am inspired by the compassion and generosity of spirit that lives in communities all across this country. As prime minister, I see it everywhere I go. Over the holidays I saw it in in the hard-working people who worked and volunteered at homeless shelters and food banks. In the overflowing bins collecting toys for children, who deserve nothing in life but happiness and hope. And in the thousands of Canadians who have offered to sponsor families fleeing war in Syria and in other parts of the world. I am happy to share the news Canada welcomed its 10,000th refugee late Tuesday evening. 
For our government’s part, that means doing more to support the middle class and all those working hard to join it. When I meet with Cabinet in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick next week, we will review all that has been accomplished since November 2015 and discuss further plans to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and grow an economy that works for all.
Soon after, I travel to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum annual meeting. There we’ll signal the return of a more positive, open, and innovative Canada to the international business community. In an increasingly interconnected global economy, Canada’s diversity and connections to the world are among our greatest economic assets, and will prove vital as we work to grow the middle class.
These are important, necessary first steps toward building a strong middle class. Because when our middle class is strong, growing, and successful, so is Canada. The coming year will be challenging, rewarding and full of hard work. Together we can achieve real and lasting change for years to come.
Thank you.
Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada

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