Sunday, October 11, 2015


   What if we had a nuclear war tomorrow? How many Atomic or Hydrogen bombs would it take to wipe out billions of people? How many men and women and children would die horrific deaths? Why have we allowed a few powerful and dangerous human beings the ability to destroy Syria and to create a face to face confrontation with Russia and the United States? This insanity must stop! The tidal waves of refugees must be slowed and reversed and Syria as a country must be saved!

 One small ray of hope is that the United States has militarily backed out of Syria and avoided a dangerous confrontation with Russia.  The Russians may believe they have won but they are now stuck with a hot potato. They and not the Americans will be reaping the political and economic consequences of their current actions in Syria. The country is in shambles. Thousands of buildings have been destroyed. The economy is gone and millions of people have fled the country and all for what? So a few sick people can claim victory? Victory over what?


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