Saturday, October 3, 2015

Gentle Readers:

  We are having a federal election in Canada and Three media spot-lighted federal candidates seem to be clones of each other! Thomas Mulcair, the one politician I believed would protect the environment, has not declared himself pro-environment and against the oil pipe-line that his so called opponent, Stephen Harper, so desperately wants to impliment across the continent. Why? My educated guess is that prime minister Harper wants to please the Chinese government who own a large junk of the Canadian Alberta Tar sands. A pipe-line would help deliver Bitumin oil to our shipping ports and then to China a lot faster than trains and trucks. Tom Mulcair also understands this and neither one of them seem to give a Rat's Ass about the environment!

 Justin Trudeau, third in line to the political throne, is a Liberal blowing in the wind. He has yet to find a cause for himself and so I am going to give him one. Please Justin, I know you are young enough to be my son but please find out what happened to our municipal Tax money in the province of Quebec! The money certainly did not go to protecting the environment because this week, Montreal announced it is dumping Five Billion Liters of raw sewage into the Saint Laurence River. Five Billion Liters is a lot of raw sewage and why in the name of honesty is it going directly into our river? A river that supports fish and Whales! Is it because the province has not spent one dime creating new water treatement plants?? What happened to our Tax Dollars and why is our provincial so called government continuing to spend billions of Dollars on roads and bridges and highways that continue to cater to the Oil and Gas and Automobile crowd? Apparently they also don't give a Gas Fart about the environment!

 There is one dark horse in this race, or I should say Filly, that at least has the intelligence to know what is right and wrong. Her name is Elizabeth May and she is head of the Green Party of Canada. A great many people do not give her a chance of winning because she does not appear to be dangerous enough! Well allow me to correct that image right now! Elizabeth May will be extremely dangerous to liers and thieves and especially to polluters across Canada. Her mandate as head of the Green Party of Canada is to protect the environment and the future for your children! It is time for a change!  Vote Green!

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