Monday, October 5, 2015

Joseph Raglione: On the subject of Time.

Time is a human cultural invention created to measure the movement of energy. In my philosophical sense of reality, ' Time ' does not exist as a physical entity unless you believe that:  Time = Energy. The speed of changing Energy does absolutely exist as a physical entity. That motion of energy, whether fast or slow, is what we measure in comparison with our own human energy. We tend to confuse our measure of energy which we call Time, with the reality of eternal energy. A timeless eternity of changing energy constantly evolving into different shapes and forms of matter including forms of life. A mind blowing concept! Especially when you throw in the concept of anti-matter. Many call eternal energy God for short. 

 Einstein found that energy equalled mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

 Joseph Raglione found that Time is energy. A human measure of external energy in comparison to human internal energy.

 Humans have linked their measure called Time with eternal energy and Energy is Mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. Also and to reverse Einstein's Theory, Mass equals energy minus the speed of light squared. The common denominator is the speed of light squared and the question is: What exactly is the speed of light squared? NASA scientists have begun answering some of our most basic questions and it is worth our energy to contemplate what they have learned. 

 P.S. For fun, exchange the word Time with the word Energy. Look at your watch and think, what energy is it? If my watch needles rotated backward would they still be measuring eternal energy? If my watch is broken how much energy must pass before my watch changes into a state of dust and where does the dust go? Remember the old theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed? If it cannot be created or destroyed  energy must be timeless!

10:18 AM

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