Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gentle People:

 The Liberals have won the federal election in Canada and the new young prime minister, Justin Trudeau, will need some economic ideas to help bolster his new government.
 Now let's see, what can we imagine that will boost the Canadian economy?

 How about:
1. An electric computer regulated small, not long, city bus equipped to help an aging population of elderly people who will need help getting in and out of buses. I can see a city full of small Buses quickly picking up passengers and when full, the driver presses a button to notify a central computer to send another small Bus. The empty small bus quickly replaces the full bus at the stop where the button was pushed. Small Buses can be stationed and waiting  periodically along city Bus routes.
2. How about helping Quebec city finance a new Hockey team to help fill Quebec's new Videotron Arena? Owning a percentage of a Hockey team is not bad business for the federal government.
3. How about helping Canadian farmers establish pesticide and  Monsanto free crops? Federal grants will help farmers hire and train Canadian high school and college and even university students during the summer months. If the pay is good, the students will accept the jobs.
4. How about paying students and unemployed people to plant and care for fruit Trees everywhere in Canada? Specifically, fruit trees such as Apple and Pear and Plum trees. You then invite tourists visiting Canada to help themselves to the fruit. Our national Parks also need Tree planting projects and so does the Tar Sands project. Plant several million Evergreen Trees in the Tar Sands and send the Bill to the people who created the ecological disaster in the first place.
5. How about creating community gardens all across Canada and paying unemployed people to work the         gardens? The fresh vegetables can then be sold to local restaurants.
6. How about asking the car companies such as Ford and Toyota and General Motors to create all Electric       vehicles to help stop global warming? They can also create Hydrogen / Electric hybrids. A small amount of Hydrogen is created on board the car and immediately used. It is not stored in a tank like Gasolene.
7. How about creating thousands of water filtration and purification plants to clean our drinking water and         our raw sewage? How about creating a company to clean up the Tar Sands in Alberta?
8. How about helping the Maritime Provinces build offshore Wind Turbine Farms?
9. How about helping millions of homeowners place Solar Panels on their roofs? Ask Elon Musk for information and push him to bring out cheap but fast long distance Electric cars. Tell him Mars can wait!
10. How about taxing the high tech computer and telephone industries? These companies are making billions of Dollars and could well afford to pay higher taxes especially Bell Canada who just raised my phone Bill.
11. How about creating small town music festivals across Canada?
12.How about creating new School buildings that seem less like prisons and more like Geodesic Domes filled with computers and small animals and flower gardens? 

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