Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Where there is energy there is life!
                                                        Some people believe the universe is Black with a few stars mixed in. I beg to differ! The universe is filled with Galaxies containing Stars and Planets and dare I say it, life!
In this picture there is a White spot for every Galaxie.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Eat for the planet and for better health.!

 “Eat in a way that nourishes you without starving the planet.~ Nil Zacharias, Co-founder, One Green Planet
Our planet is in serious trouble. In the past 40 years alone, we’ve lost over half of the world’s wildlife; there are more than 400 massive dead zones in the oceans, completely devoid of life due to our pollution; and there is currently more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than there has ever been in human history.
So what’s driving this damage? Well, mostly – it’s our food choices. Primarily, our obsession with meat, dairy, and eggs.
*The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that livestock production is responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, while other organizations like the Worldwatch Institute have estimated it could be as much as 51 percent.
As you can see, we’re using more land and water resources than the world can sustain to simply produce food. In addition, industrial animal agriculture is driving large-scale deforestation, habitat loss and pushing countless species to the brink of extinction.
And despite the widespread destruction and drain on natural resources to produce food, nearly one billion people still go to bed hungry every night! As our population grows from 7.5 billion today to 9.6 billion by 2050, things are going to get rather bleak on planet earth.
But the good news is you have the power to be a part of the solution starting today.
By eating for the planet, you will not only save thousands of trees every year, but also conserve hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, cut your carbon footprint in half, and help redirect grain from the livestock system to feed people.
You have the potential to make an enormous impact!
You can #EatForThePlanet starting today. Just follow this simple framework below.
Moderate: Limit consumption of your favorite meats like beef, lamb, pork, etc.
Replace: Try to swap animal-based products in your daily diet with vegan alternatives (milk, butter, mayo, cheese, grilled chicken, beef crumbles, sausages, cold cuts, etc.)
Embrace: Add plant-based whole foods (local and organic when possible) to your diet like greens, fresh fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins like lentils, nuts/seeds, beans, tofu, etc.

Show the world how you #EatForThePlanet!

Stop the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline.

The people have spoken


Mike Hudema, Greenpeace Canada Unsubscribe

Jul 14 (3 days ago)
to me
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Greenpeace Logo
By voting for a new government, people in BC have spoken and said “NO” to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. But Kinder Morgan still plans to move ahead with construction — without the consent of local communities or Indigenous Nations.
Keystone XL, Line 3 and Energy East are all waiting in the wings.
These tar sands pipelines are trampling Indigenous rights and putting communities and water at risk. But one way we can stop them is by making it harder for these pipelines to get funding. And to do that we all need to take action and make our voice heard right now.
Email TD Bank now and tell them to stop funding tar sands pipelines.
We have the power to stop these pipelines. Kinder Morgan has told media it plans to start construction on its Trans Mountain expansion in September. But it’s also quietly told investors that construction could be delayed because of protests.
The more we delay pipeline construction, the less likely it is that the pipelines will ever be built — and the more likely it is we can keep our communities, our water, and the climate safe. We need every voice to come together right now if we’re going to stop them. 
Email TD Bank now and tell them to stop funding tar sands pipelines.
Let’s make sure these pipelines never make it in the ground.
With hope,
Climate & Energy Campaigner, Greenpeace Canada
We don't accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, please make a donation. Thank you!
If you no longer want to be in the loop with the latest news from these emails, we'll be sad, but you can unsubscribe here.
Greenpeace Canada, 33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
This email was sent to: human4usbillions@gmail.com

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Hockey Formula


  1. One Goalie times the speed of light squared.
  2. Four men box penalty defense, solid and dense and self
  3. Two lightning fast Box Trap synchronized defense men
    with dangerous slap shots capable of moving
    from right point to middle and from middle to
    left point in conjunction with Puck location behind
    opposing net. Watch synchronized swimming for examples.
    Also expendable.
  4. Three lightning fast forwards each with 20/20 vision or
    non fogging prescription helmet glass capable of
    withstanding multiple bashing against boards.
    Must have superior puck control and wrist shot accuracy.
    Golf shots not recommended.
  5. All players must have full Puck control and superb pin
    point sixth-sense passing ability. Ask your local Priest
    or Guru for help and make sure your helmets are
    equipped with small communication devices linked to the
    coaches. Watch football for examples.

  1. Remuneration will be in pain control pills during the
    Stanley Cup play-offs.

For a job interview see Mark Bergevin.

General Manager, Montreal Canadians Hockey Association.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


NASA's Juno mission completed a close flyby of Jupiter and its Great Red Spot on July 10, during its sixth science orbit.
All of Juno's science instruments and the spacecraft's JunoCam were operating during the flyby, collecting data that are now being returned to Earth. Juno's next close flyby of Jupiter will occur on Sept. 1.
Raw images from the spacecraft’s latest flyby will be posted in coming days.
"For generations people from all over the world and all walks of life have marveled over the Great Red Spot," said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. "Now we are finally going to see what this storm looks like up close and personal."
The Great Red Spot is a 10,000-mile-wide (16,000-kilometer-wide) storm that has been monitored since 1830 and has possibly existed for more than 350 years. In modern times, the Great Red Spot has appeared to be shrinking.  
Juno reached perijove (the point at which an orbit comes closest to Jupiter's center) on July 10 at 6:55 p.m. PDT (9:55 p.m. EDT). At the time of perijove, Juno was about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) above the planet's cloud tops. Eleven minutes and 33 seconds later, Juno had covered another 24,713 miles (39,771 kilometers), and was passing directly above the coiling crimson cloud tops of the Great Red Spot. The spacecraft passed about 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometers) above the clouds of this iconic feature.
On July 4 at 7:30 p.m. PDT (10:30 p.m. EDT), Juno logged exactly one year in Jupiter orbit, marking 71 million miles (114.5 million kilometers) of travel around the giant planet.
Juno launched on Aug. 5, 2011, from Cape Canaveral, Florida. During its mission of exploration, Juno soars low over the planet's cloud tops -- as close as about 2,100 miles (3,400 kilometers). During these flybys, Juno is probing beneath the obscuring cloud cover of Jupiter and studying its auroras to learn more about the planet's origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere.
Early science results from NASA's Juno mission portray the largest planet in our solar system as a turbulent world, with an intriguingly complex interior structure, energetic polar aurora, and huge polar cyclones.
JPL manages the Juno mission for the principal investigator, Scott Bolton, of Southwest Research Institute. The Juno mission is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the Science Mission Directorate. Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Denver, built the spacecraft. JPL is a division of Caltech in Pasadena. 
More information on the Juno mission is available at: https://www.nasa.gov/juno
The Image: *
*Jupiter's Great Red Spot
This view of Jupiter was taken by Voyager 1. This image was taken through color filters and recombined to produce the color image. This photo was assembled from three black and white negatives by the Image Processing Lab at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. JPL manages and controls the Voyager project for NASA's Office of Space Science.
Image credit: NASA/JPL
#NASA #Juno #Jupiter #GreatRedSpot


Heroine Michelle Obama also has a heroine.

I want to tell you about a hero of mine:


Michelle Obama Unsubscribe

10:48 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
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Obama Foundation
Hello Joseph --

Twenty years ago today, in a part of Pakistan where women and girls are so often silenced, a girl was born who would one day use her voice to change the world.

Her name is Malala Yousafzai, and she is one of my heroes.

Despite threats from Taliban terrorists who banned girls in her community from attending school, Malala's father, a teacher, believed that his daughter should get an education. And Malala bravely spoke out about the dangers she faced, writing a blog about her fears that the Taliban would attack her school.

The Taliban sought to retaliate, and in October of 2012, as Malala and her friends were traveling home from school, a gunman stormed their school bus and shot her in the head.

Thankfully, Malala survived, and she refused to be silenced. In the years since, she has traveled the globe, fighting for girls' education, and she won a Nobel Peace Prize for her extraordinary efforts. She did all of this before even finishing high school -- in fact, she graduated just last week!

There are young people like Malala in every corner of the globe who are determined to get an education worthy of their promise. In the new chapter of our lives, Barack and I are committed to doing whatever we can to support these young leaders.

I hope you'll join me in wishing Malala a happy birthday and in working to ensure that every girl has the chance to fulfill her boundless potential.

-- Michelle

Donate today to support the Obama Foundation's work, including our ongoing investment in young leaders across the globe.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

W.C. Fields once said:

 "I like children...fried!"

 I have nothing against children and in fact I like children but why do I have to pay exorbitant Quebec school taxes when I never had children? I  do not mind paying my fair share of taxes but hey, Quebec, your thumb screws are too God Damned tight! In the past I did volunteer as a Hockey and Soccer coach for a few years and I and the local kids had a lot of fun! We also won championship trophies but nobody paid me to help their children!  Today, at 69 and as a pensioner with a bad back I often look up at Trees to see if money grows up there but unfortunately...nothing! Even the Trees are disappearing! I can only swear and wonder why my Quebec government is suffocating me with debt? My Eight hundred dollars school tax is higher than it was last year for the same property! I also pay my local municipal government over Two Thousand in property taxes for a house covered in field rocks which I found in a local forest years ago! This is the same Laval municipal government where the Mayor was convicted as a crook!  Is it because I made the mistake of owning my own house! An old house inherited from my parents and which I have been repairing for the last Fifty years and which I refuse to sell to pesky Condo developers!

  Where is the justice? Will high taxes force me out of my house in much the same way they continue pushing pensioners and retirees from their homes? Where do the elderly and poor and the homeless go to die! Is it in expensive  hospitals or on the streets? Where?

 No they won't push me out of my house without a non-violent and legal fight. This is the first friendly volley in my personal tax revolt. What I need is a few thousand more people fed up with high unfair taxes. Either there is a better balance of power and money here in Quebec or eventually there will be the same kind of social problems in Canada as we are now witnessing in Europe.
 P.S. Attention tourists! I am removing my invitation to visit Canada from my Blog. There are too many visitors crowding the streets of Montreal and too many people who believe this is a "free" country!  Everything is expensive and getting worse!          

  Hello my good friend Valdemar Oliveira! I am happy to hear you had a successfull heart operation.  I hope you live to be 110. I may not be...