Monday, August 26, 2019

Boycott Brazil Beef!

Boycott Brazil Beef!

I though the president of the United States was a fool but apparently the leader of Brazil is a much larger fool! How selfish and stupid do you have to be to allow and encourage the burning down of a Rainforest. A forest so important it creates Oxygen for the whole planet?!

 I am calling for an international boycott of all products made in Brazil. Buy nothing from selfish and greedy people destroying a Rainforest to make room for farm crops. What the Brazillian leaders do not understand is that once the Rainforest is gone, so will the Rain created by the forest.

 Once the Rain is gone, any farm crops planted will dry out and die. You are creating a desert by destroying a beautiful Rainforest and you will not profit at all by your actions! Your farm crops are meant to feed cattle but here is sad news for you. Nobody on Earth will be buying your meat.

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Meu querido amigo: Valdemar Oliveira. É com grande alegria que leio as tuas cartas! Elas provam que estás vivo neste mundo em rápida mudança...