Thursday, January 17, 2019

The desperate poor in Canada need pharmacare!

Canada needs pharmacare, how you can take action now →


Katrina Miller, Broadbent Institute Unsubscribe

2:00 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
Last week the Broadbent Institute released a significant new report, 'Charting the Path to National Pharmacare in Canada', concerning what we expect will be one of the most pressing issues facing Canadians in this election year.

Right now, about 7.5 million Canadians are not taking the medications they need because they can't afford them, and it's been estimated that around 700,000 Canadians skip buying groceries to pay for their medications that currently aren’t covered. Additionally, Canadians are at risk of paying three-to-five times more for the same drug than residents in countries with truly universal and comprehensive Pharmacare plans.
A single payer Pharmacare plan is needed for all Canadians to have access to good health.
Now we need your help, there are two actions you could take right now to further our efforts to make 2019 the pivotal year for Pharmacare.

ACTION #1 - Share our Report

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It's not enough that there is strong public support for a single payer national drug plan, we have to break through the distractions and make sure the politicians know this issue is a priority. With one click you can help spread the word about this important report to your Twitter or Facebook community. 

ACTION #2 - Support research at the Broadbent Institute 

If you'd like to see more of this kind of research, the kind that makes a difference, please consider contributing directly to our research funds at the Broadbent Institute. Your investment in our work can be processed as one time payment or spread out with a monthly gift.
Thanks for all of your help!
Katrina Miller
Program Director
Broadbent Institute
Broadbent Institute · Canada
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