Thursday, January 10, 2019

How much do you know?

Hello Gentle People:

 Once in a while I decide to add my Two Cents to the wonderful essays found on this Blog-spot.

 Remember the concept of social science?
Social scientists in the early 60's  introduced everything from birth control to health foods to Democratic humanitarian socialism and we began to use computers for the first time. We also began to notice how polluted the world was getting.

 We began to talk about creating gardens and planting trees and negating the pollution created by  fossil fuels and then we were told to shut up because our corporate leaders did not believe how serious global warming was becoming and they honestly but stupidly believed the economy to be more vitally important! Today, we can introduce Fusion Reactors and Gene Editing and Neural Knots for the near future. May they prove to help and not hinder life on Earth!

 Many powerful and unscrupulous people continue to believe the economy is more important than our life sustaining natural environment. These people need to be weaned away from the artificial worlds of technology and industrialism created for accumulating money and we need to re-direct their efforts towards helping and not hindering a Green life sustaining environment.

1. They can continue to build mile high sky scrapers but each floor should contain a Hydroponic garden with windows generating electricity. Houses should all have solar panels. Vertically Green our cities so that city people do not smother on carbon monoxide.
2.  Electric cars are here and now and nothing will stop their progress! Why not finally stop advertising and selling antiquated gas guzzling cars?
3. Why not turn modern day pharmacies into actual clinics with a Doctor advising people what products will actually do them some good. Most pharmacy shelves today contain hair and facial products with salt as their primary ingredient.
4. Did you know that Brown rice topped with Black Beans contain Amino acids necessary for good health and do not cost as much as meat products? If you add vegetables and fruit to your rice and well cooked beans you will live a long and healthy life!
5. Did you know that so called retirement homes are not affordable for low income people and there are millions and millions of low income people.
6. Did you know that your telephone in your pocket can spy on you?
7. Do you know how many human rights we are sacrificing in the name of technological progress?
    There are answers for all these questions but you have to do your own research. Bye for now!

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