Thursday, January 24, 2019

Gentle People:

  The words: "success" "economy" and "consumers" upset my stomach!
For one person to become a success, a hundred or more have to lose. When one person "wins" or receives a thumbs up in our artificially created economic arena, hundreds are given a thumbs down. The desperate poor and hungry and homeless are blamed for their miserable situations while the comfortable middle classes are glorified and portrayed on television enjoying the good life on Islands under the Sun or within large expensive and almost empty mansions. Money and power flow upwards to a small minority who self glorify and claim "success" in an obvious attempt to motivate the majority of poor into spending money. Money in turn preserves the upward flow of power within our so called "economy"

 Thousands of mind bending TV commercials show happy and smiling actors frolicking on Island beaches while the rest of us poor losers are treated like "consumers" who have to shovel snow in the winter. That is another word that makes me sick to my stomach. "Consumers." We are "consuming" ourselves off the planet and a few socially retarded company CEO's continue to sell us plastic garbage. They do it to keep the "economy" flowing and themselves rich and powerful. They continue selling us products that do not last a month and have zero value while creating copious amounts of dangerous pollution! They believe we "consumers" will continue buying into their hype because we have no choice! The desperate poor need to work perpetuating the "economy" in order to buy the basic necessities of life. Transportation is one basic necessity and gas burning cars and trucks are sad examples of products that continue to perpetuate the status quo. For oil and car producers global warming is a joke and they will change only when forced to do so by the Electric car competition. So be it! Change is here and now!

   I am not advocating we return to totalitarian Communism. It does not work! Totalitarian Capitalism also does not work as it is producing global warming! I advocate shifting the economy towards an abundance of clean food and clean water and shelter for everybody so that nobody suffers! If everybody had a small and private place to sleep without worrying about paying rent or taxes and maintaining the "economy" while having enough clean food and water to maintain clean healthy lives, our stress levels would decrease and so would our medical bills. For that to happen we need to share territory and that goes against our aggressive animal instincts. Either we reduce our population growth or we create very small territories for everybody. Whatever we chose to do, we still have to protect Mother Nature faster than some people are attempting to protect the "economy"!

  A large shopping mall today is filled with elderly people roaming from one end to the other while seldom buying anything. They just need to stay warm in winter. What if they could find a place to sleep under the shopping mall? What if homeless people were given small rooms under very large buildings in exchange for working within the building planting flowers and maintaining a Hydroponic garden full of vegetables?  What if buildings could produce their own energy and their own food? This is possible with the new glass molecules being produced. What if we shifted the economy from exploiting "consumers" to including people within a value filled and life sustaining environment? What if indeed! Thanks for reading.
Signed: Nelson Joseph Raglione
Director: The Friendly World Peace and Ecology Movement.

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