Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Will robots eradicate poverty?

   Yes, robots will eradicate poverty! They will become the new work slaves and if we humans play our cards correctly, robots will not "feel" they are exploited.
  If today we create and install core value modules within every new thinking machine without the concepts of jealousy and greed, the machines will not feel a "need" to destroy us and they will work day and night to keep all life forms comfortable, themselves included. Yes it is now possible to act like Gods and to include human standards into thinking machines for our future security but we have to do it now! Waiting will be too late! We have to do it now so we humans will not feel threatened by thinking robots in the very near future. Machines that think faster and have more memory than we do must never be a threat to biological life on Earth! We have to do it now so those who are currently creating robots will not use his or her machines simply to make themselves richer and better at exploiting the rest of us for social and economic power.  To help allay the fear that machines will take over our jobs, we need a basic income that will allow us all to do creative work aside from utilizing the help of machines. We will no longer be "consumers" within an exploiting economy but we do need to keep ourselves emotionally and mentally stable and a basic income for every man and woman and child will provide that sort of economic freedom and protection.  Humans need the freedom to do both creative work and play and to move from place to place visiting the wonders of the world.  Machines will eradicate the need for consuming useless products and everybody will enjoy top quality products at low prices everywhere on Earth! We humans will need to keep ourselves occupied and happy without machines while learning to live with robots that have learned to think for themselves at lightning speed and yet are not programmed with hate or greed or jealousy. Robots must never learn or have the capacity to hate us!
  Machines can quickly produce a thousand cars for every single person on earth. The question is who needs more than one car?
Many people are worried about the day machines take over our jobs and they do have good reason to worry! Robots will absolutely take over our jobs. The question is when and for whom? Will it be for a few super rich human individuals who currently sit on top of the world economic ladder and who will continue to demand we humble ourselves and cater to their economic power or will every human share in the bounty of a rich society where robots do all the heavy lifting? The basic question is exactly how many Golf games can one Billionaire who controls robotic machines play before he gets bored and tries something different as for example: creating a war? The question is exactly how rich do a very few people need to be? I welcome the day a dozen friendly neighborhood Robots begin planting trees and flowers and vegetables for the benefit of every person in a town. Thanks for reading!
Signed: Joseph Raglione. A science based philosopher.

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