Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Am I my brother's keeper? No, I am an old White guy from Canada.

Michael Smith, My Brother's Keeper Alliance Unsubscribe

5:12 AM (5 hours ago)
to me


Hi Joseph,

Four years ago, President Obama announced an initiative called My Brother's Keeper. The aim was to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and to ensure all youth could reach their full potential. My Brother's Keeper sparked an unprecedented movement of policy-makers, business and philanthropic leaders and diverse communities coming together to expand opportunity and reduce barriers.

I couldn't be more thrilled to let you know that, later this month, we'll be issuing a formal Request for Proposals for the MBK Community Challenge Competition -- a pilot program to help grow the impact of community-based solutions that improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color. The winners will work with teams of experts to support planning, implementation, and infrastructure development with the goal of reducing youth violence and increasing the kind of mentoring that can change lives. Competition winners will receive matching funds to hire a local project lead and planning grants of up to $500,000 to help jump-start initiatives and raise additional resources.

The RFP is open to organizations in the 250 communities who accepted President Obama's My Brother's Keeper Community Challenge. These communities include cities, towns, and Tribal Nations in all 50 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico.

Sign up here to get an update on when the RFP online application opens.

And while I have you -- a quick report-back on our Pathways to Success: Boys and Young Men of Color Opportunity Summit that took place just a few weeks ago in Newark, New Jersey.

More than 1,400 boys, young men of color, and other underserved youth between the ages of 16 and 29 joined us for the daylong event, where more than 650 young people interviewed (and more than 400 received job offers or are on a pathway to careers!). Hundreds of participants were connected to mentors and community programs, joined discussions on youth violence prevention, and walked out the door with new resumes, LinkedIn profiles, headshots, ties and blazers, even new haircuts. And our co-hosts at the City of Newark, MBK Newark, and Prudential Financial, Inc. reinforced their commitment to ensuring the participants have the tools they need to be successful in the weeks and months ahead.

For scenes from Newark, and to learn more about the Obama Foundation and the My Brother's Keeper Alliance, watch our new video.

Watch our new video about MBKA

President Obama has often said that the mission of My Brother's Keeper would be part of his life's work. As an initiative of the Obama Foundation, the MBK Alliance is even better equipped to make sure every child in America can reach their potential -- no matter who they are or where they come from.

We'll continue to keep you updated on the MBK Alliance and how you can be part of it over the coming weeks and months. I'm honored to have the opportunity to continue this critical work with all of you.

- Michael Smith
Executive Director, My Brother's Keeper Alliance and Youth Opportunity Programs

Donate today to support the Obama Foundation's work.

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