Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cruel human behavior!!

'Ag-gag' law in Iowa threatens animals


Ingrid Newkirk, PETA via server8839.e-activist.com 

Mar 19 (1 day ago)
to me
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The meat industry is trying to conceal his suffering.

Donate Now!
Dear Joseph,
Can you imagine the terror of being torn away from your family as a newborn? Or the pain of having your teeth snippedwith pliers—without painkillers?
Those things are just the beginning of the suffering that smart, sensitive pigs are enduring right now—but the meat industry is lobbying hard to keep the public from finding out that such cruelty exists through the enactment of dangerous "ag-gag" laws.
In recent years, PETA's legal team has helped to defeat such laws in states like Idaho and Utah, and right now we're in a high-stakes fight to stop a law in Iowa that could imperil millions of animals on farms if it stands unchallenged.
People have a right to know about the misery that animals are experiencing right now on farms, in slaughterhouses, and at other businesses that exploit them. PETA's eyewitness investigators have documented rampant cruelty on massive farms, and as a result, our legal team has helped secure many precedent-setting convictions of factory farm workers—like the former employees of an Iowa pig farm that supplied Hormel.
On this hideous farm, workers kicked piglets and sows, beat them with metal gate rods, and poked them in the eyes. Video footage even showed one worker slamming piglets considered "runts" onto the ground head-first in order to kill them.
Thanks to the support of our legal team, 22 charges of livestock neglect and abuse were eventually filed against six former employees of the Hormel supplier. All six defendants admitted guilt, and the case resulted in the state's first convictions for the abuse or neglect of factory-farmed pigs.
But if Iowa's insidious ag-gag law had been in effect at that time, the investigators may have been the ones punished, while the abuse went on unchallenged. Your gift today will help provide our legal team with the tools that it needs to push back against abusers.
The meat and dairy industries know that investigations bring about change for animals—but they consider their bottom line more important than the suffering of living, feeling beings. Aided by their allies (some of whom have designed ag-gag bills specifically to target PETA's exposés), they are pushing for laws that would make it illegal to document even the most flagrant of abuses. They know that our investigations inspire people to take action to stop animal abuse—and they're trying to silence the outcry against it.
Our expert legal team has won many groundbreaking victories for animals, and our opponents know we will never, ever give up, so long as their abuses continue. PETA has already helped defeat ag-gag laws in states like Idaho and Utah, where they were declared unconstitutional—and with your help, we'll work to do the same in Iowa.
Thank you for your compassion and everything that you do for animals.
Kind regards,

Ingrid E. Newkirk
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This e-mail was sent by PETA, 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 USA.
Pigs header photo: © L214 - Éthique & animaux

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