Wednesday, March 7, 2018

If I was a suicidal liar!

Gentle People:

 If I was a suicidal liar who did not worry about the 409 parts per million of Carbon in our atmosphere, I would be in the oil and gas and car business where I  would use repetitive subliminal and hypnotic television commercials to constantly bombard the people of North America and the rest of the world into buying more cars with gas burning engines.
Then I would give large donations to my friends in government and ask them to spend billions on infrastructure payments to keep the unions happy building roads and bridges for the oil and gas and cars I sold. This would keep me rich and in power for years and nobody would be the wiser.

 I am, however, not suicidal and like most people I do enjoy living and so I suggest you buy an Electric car or ride an Electric Bus or a Bicycle to work. I also suggest the work you do is life enhancing. Working in a Hydroponic Green House is one example or in a community garden or create a life enhancing product. A skyscraper that absorbs energy and returns some of that energy back into the grid is useful if three quarters of the building is put aside as affordable housing. You can also place Green Houses on industrial rooftops and ask the industrial workers to work a few hours growing food. You can also ask them not to pollute the air or land while creating their products.

 If I was a suicidal liar who did not worry about the air we breath or the water we drink, I would cut down the Amazon rain forest in order to grow Soy plants to use as Cattle feed. The Cattle would then be slaughtered and sold as hamburger meat to fast food chains around the world who honestly do not care how healthy you are. I suggest you try out Vegan food in order to save the planet from dangerous industries and also to keep yourself healthy
while writing warnings like these aimed at helping younger people wake up from their deep hypnotic sleep. Have a safe life!
Signed: Joseph Raglione. 

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