Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nature needs your protection!

 There was a time in our human evolution Homo Sapiens were ignorant of the fact Nature shaped and protected us. 
 We were uncomfortable and afraid of intensive cold and heat and so we moved into Caves and we learned to adapt or perish until the day we discovered and learned to control fire. At that point humanity went from caves to huts and houses and then to buildings and then in a quantum leap away from individual self protection, Man created work-space-only industrial warehouses and sky-scrapers. Homo Sapiens learned to create new things and to industrialize in order to gain protection from the elements of Nature.
  Our age of industrialization and instant communication has created more creature comforts than humans can handle. Pollution is everywhere and evolution has taken a strange twist! Today commercial industrialization shapes our lives and every other living thing on Earth. It uses up the territory once dominated by Nature. It uses the communication Media to tempt people into buying products most can't afford and it forces extremely poor people to work creating short term products destined for terribly large mountains of garbage. Human created pollution is contributing to the destruction of Nature!

 Today and until we change direction, Man is headed for self destruction. Global warming is intensifying while Man continues to play a game of domination and control. He continues to believe he has won the battle against Nature. People do not realize our industrially based economy is the cause and not the solution protecting us from inclement weather and the slowly changing climate patterns. Most humans do not feel responsible for protecting Nature and most humans are wrong!

 Nature can't compete with human industrialism and without human protection Nature will stop producing the basic elements necessary for creating and protecting life on Earth. We are presently and dangerously Carbonizing our atmosphere and It will, as a consequence, destroy our Oxygen producing Plankton and Trees and Grass and Flowers and clean H2O.

 Nature is being forced by human industrialization to halt the creation of basic elements necessary for life on Earth. It now appears the industrial free market is not so free after all! It destroys Nature and is detrimental to the slow evolution of Nature and most sadly, it is contrary to its original purpose. Industrial commercialization is not protecting and sheltering and creating individual freedom for the large proportion of humans on Earth. It is simply feeding the greed and protecting the domination and social controls of a very few humans currently living comfortably within the top One percent of society.

 There is hope, however, that we can change. If we transform and use industrialism to enhance and protect Nature there is a slim chance we as a species may survive into the future. A small chance because human greed and need continue to dominate the thoughts of Man

Thank you for reading!

Signed: Joseph Raglione. Naturalist and Philosopher.

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