Monday, February 26, 2018

Activate the United Nations Peace Force!

Gentle People:
 Only cowards sit buy and do nothing while others suffer abuse and torture and who are murdered in front of our eyes!!
 I demand that all people and governments who have courage stand up and denounce Hassad and his murderous regime in Syria along with his partner in murder, Putin of Russia.
 But words are not enough...I demand in the name of human rights that the United Nations organize a very large peace keeping army from dozens of countries who believe in peace and who have the courage to join together into one large United Nations peace force and who will parachute men of strength and courage into Syria. No matter what country and nationality, they all must wear the United Nations Blue Helmets and arm themselves for battle against any and all who resist.
The regime of Hassad is criminally responsible for human rights abuse against innocent men and women and children. Innocents  who are non combatants and who are being systematically murdered with gas and bombs. He must be stopped!
  Hassad and Putin will not listen to reason and both believe the United States leadership is afraid to stop them.
 We need countries from outside the United States to step forward and stop the violence. We need a fast and furious United Nations world police action activated to stop the violence.
 It is the only proven method of stopping the abuse and murder and it will send a message to future cold blooded psychopathic tyrants and dictators who believe they can butcher innocent people with impunity.
Thanks for reading and
Take action!

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